Once Upon a Dream

Part Nine

The sun seemed to rise earlier the next day, like it did on every day you had to get up at the crack of dawn. The light streamed through the window and directly into Vegeta's eyes, blinding him. He removed the pillow from under his head and placed it over it, trying to block out the brightness.

But it was not to be. Suddenly the thin curtains were flung completely away from the windows, and the sunlight shone directly onto the bed full force. An annoying cheerful voice went with it, so cheerful it made those still in the bed want to torture the owner.

"Bulma-chan! V-chan! Time to rise and shine! It's a beautiful day!"

Both people just grunted and threw their pillows at the wide-awake woman. Kat shielded her face and pouted.

"Well, that was definitely *not* a nice greeting."

"It wasn't meant to be," Bulma yawned hugely and sat up while her husband tried to burrow down further into the blankets. "Vegeta, if I have to get up you're coming with me."

"Oh by the way," She smiled at him. "The king sent a messenger by this morning. It seems that the prince is being especially difficult. He just thought it would be nice to warn you."

"How sweet," He got to his feet. "Now go away."

"Another thing," Kat paused at the door. "Breakfast *is* ready but if you want some, come now before Goku and Goten eat it all. I've had mine."

Both he and Bulma were wide-awake instantly.

"Damn freeloadin' bakas!" Vegeta shouted. "Why couldn't they go to a restaurant?"

Kat smiled as they ran from the room. "That got them moving all right. Score one for me."


Vegeta was not the least bit happy that he had been tricked so easily. Goku and Goten were actually still asleep, their loud snores drifting in from the downstairs bedroom that was just off the living room. Bra and Trunks came down, dressed, and bickering about each other's sleeping habits. They had to share a room as well.

"You talk in your sleep Trunks!" Bra informed him. "I don't care how good your last girlfriend was!"

"Well," He retorted even as he blushed slightly. "You drool."

"Lots of people do that," Kat shrugged and buttered her toast. "It's normal."

"Anyway," Bulma changed the subject. "I hope everyone has a great day! My new job is going to be wonderful."

"I get to baby-sit a thirteen year old. Oh joy." Vegeta practically pouted and sank lower in his chair.

"I creating my own restaurant." Kat smiled. "It's going to be called Kat-chan's and only Japanese food will be served. With a little others thrown in of course."

"You haven't even been on Chikyuu long enough to cook Japanese food." Vegeta told her.

"I have access to all sorts of recipes and ingredients. Especially Soy Sauce. No one can get enough of Soy Sauce."

"May I ask how?" Trunks said. "It must be interesting."

She shrugged. "Not really. I just go fishing in the River of Knowledge and I'm all set."

No one understood.

She laughed. "Sorry 'bout that. The 'River of Knowledge' is the invisible stream in which everything flows. Information and such. 'Fishing' is just a term I use because it's almost exactly like that. I cast my mental line and pull free a chuck of relevant information. It's quick and easy."

"But that's for the recipes!" Trunks protested. "What about the ingredients?"

"You have to have steps in order to make them don't you? Well the ones that have more than one ingredient. I can get herbs anywhere."

"You have this all planned out, don't you?" Bra asked. "I think is going to be fun after all."

They all began to stand and take plates to the sink. "Trunks, you go out and find a good source of income. Try to do it in a place where you would hear a lot of talk. It'll make things to easier." Kat ran her fingers through her hair in front of a nearby mirror and frowned when one part just did not seem to want to lay flat. "I need some gel & I doubt I can get some on this plane." Her look became thoughtful. "I wonder if I could get some from the other plane."

'Don't try it Kat-chan," Bra said. "We can't have saiyans wondering what the heck is keeping your hair so stiff. They already asked Papa."

"You're right. But now, I think we may need to see Vegeta-oui because he didn't really tell us in detail what we needed to do." They all filed out, one-by-one, into the already warm summer morning.

"Hello?" Goku called as he tucked his shirt into his pants. "Is anyone still here?"

Goten frowned. "I told you to set the alarm clock Tousan! They're gone!"

Goku sighed and began to rummage around in the cupboards. "And they didn't leave any food. Goten? Do you know how to cook?"


They had all split up at the castle, each going about their separate ways. Bulma went gleefully off to play with science, Kat, Bra, and Goten went to set up the Japanese restaurant, Goku was currently entertaining the king and his guards, Trunks was wandering around looking for work, and Vegeta was trying not to throttle the prince. All was well.

"Vegeta-ouji, you need to learn some manners," Vegeta forced out through clenched teeth. The prince just looked at him, and rolled his eyes.

"Manners may be fine for some but the peasants are supposed to grovel at my feet, not the other way around."

They both sat in the prince's immaculate room, both in chairs by his fancy brick fireplace; Vegeta on the left and Vegeta-ouji on the right. The older Vegeta's hands were clenched in his lap, trying with all of his might not to resort to violence and get thrown into the dungeon. So far, it was working.

"Why are you like this? Why do you feel the need to feel superior to others?" Vegeta truly wondered this. There was a fine line between confidence and arrogance and Vegeta-ouji had long ago crossed it.

"Why not? I am the firstborn prince of the saiyans," His voice held immense pride of his status. "It is my duty to lead my people."

Vegeta frowned. "No."

"No? What do you mean *no*?" Vegeta-ouji practically shouted with outrage. "Are you questioning my ability to do so?"

"In short, yes." Vegeta stood and began to pace the length of the room. "A king should be someone that people can rely on, someone you can trust to lead you in the right direction. If you see your duty as king as only a birthright not a privilege, you will only cause grief to your people."

"So you're saying," He frowned. "That I should be honored that I will soon be king and take extra measures to help out my people? Be like my father?"

Vegeta nodded. "Exactly."

"Then you are as big of a fool as he is." Vegeta stopped and glared at him but did not receive a chance to speak. The prince jumped to his feet and began to tell him of his opinion.

"A king should be the ultimate ruler of a nation, he should not be challenged or contested by anyone. All those who try should be put to death. The peasants should do their best to please their king because he is more important than they will ever be. A king is someone who rules every single day of his life and never lets his followers forget it. He is lord of all."

"I see that you truly believe this." Vegeta said this quietly even as he strode towards the prince's bedroom door. "I'll be back. It won't take that long."

His words barely received acknowledgement. The prince was seated once again, going over his future glory in his mind.

Lord Cosmos was standing on the other side of the door and jumped back guiltily when he saw it open. Vegeta ignored this and asked a question.

"Does you think he really believes what he says? Do you think that he will be that king?"

Lord Cosmos sighed deeply and nodded. "I'm afraid so. He doesn't have the kind soul Camell and his father has."

"Then his brother should be king, not Vegeta. If he gets the throne, the world will be in ruins."

Cosmos agreed. "It would be horrible but there's nothing anyone can do. He is firstborn. Unless he dies, Camell won't rule. Everyone is hoping -- his father most of all -- that he changes his opinions in the near future."

Vegeta shook his head. "He won't. You should have seen the expression on his face, it was his ultimate dream. Nothing will be able to change his mind. He won't let it."

"I see. Then you are out of a job?"

"No. If he won't change by himself, then we will just have to make him."


Kat-chan's was packed and it was only two hours after they had opened. Every table was filled and there was even a line stretching half way down the street. Business was good but the service was slow. Very slow.

"Two combination sushi platters for table six," Bra called out to Kat who was doing all of the cooking. She placed a piece of paper through the window and turned back to the crowd. Goten was waiting tables as well. He was currently struggling with a tray holding two steaming hot bowls of Miso soup and he was not faring all to well. Bra made it to him in time to keep it from tipping.

"Thanks B-chan," He smiled grateful as he set them both down on the table. "This crowd is crazy!"

"I wonder how we became so popular in such a short amount of time. I don't really mind because we have to pay back King Vegeta, but we don't have enough workers! Trunks will just have to help us, we can't train someone new."

"Table seven's beef teriyaki is ready!" Kat called out to anyone who would listen. Her bangs were plastered to his forehead by sweat from the heat of the kitchen and she was tired already. "Bra, you need to help me back here. Goten, double your service."

"I was only supposed to be a taste tester! Look at me now!" He sighed at his apron and sore feet.

"Shut up and work!" Katrinka growled and disappeared.

"Slave driver."

Bra snickered and also vanished into the kitchen where she heard Kat swearing like a sailor at the food even before she saw her.

"This is going to be one *long* day," Kat sighed.

Bra nodded. "Yeah."


High above Vegeta-sei a lone man watched the proceedings with no little interest. His ocean blue eyes were usually bright with laughter but not today. He had a horrible sense of forebodding as if something fate-altering was going to happen soon. He looked down on the Royal Palace and shook his head. That was not the worst area.

Raven was up to something, Kami thought, something Evil. The word even capitalized itself in his mind though what she was cooking up was far beyond that. It made him check on his people periodically to make sure that the good ones were still okay.

There were some new people in town so to speak. Helpful people. Kami new that they would cause no trouble rather fix the problems that others created. He was glad there was someone to do the job, the High God knows he can't. He watched Katrinka in particular and smiled. She had turned out to be such a fine woman. Her mother should be proud. He knew he was.

Kat was not a mistake no matter how much all the higher dieties joked about it. She was more of a plan. Somewhere along the line there would be need for someone who could completely bend the laws of time and space to suit her needs as long as she didn't screw anyone over while doing it. She would be savior of sorts, a bit like a firefighter to show up only when needed. But the fires she fought could quickly get out of control without the proper tools. That's why she was living currently living as a mortal. It would give her life experience.

The one thing her mother disliked about her own immortality is that she could never even attempt to live the live of a mortal. When her responsibilities as a goddess got too hard, she always wished to be mortal because they almost never had to deal with such things. But when things got important, her complaining was put on the back burner. It actually took quite some time to convince her of the project all those mortal years ago.

She had been skeptical at first but Katherine always did the right thing in the end. Actually, it was the High God that threatened to put her on probation but that was another story. She had always been fiery.

The High God said that she was to couple with a mortal so that the child would be able to blend in good enough to fool other mortals. Her mate was hers to choose but he had to have some good qualities to add to those already present in the mother. The choice was really not that hard because one of Katherine's best-friends was a mortal.

Kami smiled. The most memorable day in his life was when Kathy asked him to be Katrinka's father. It was a decision, to this day, he never regretted.


Trunks walked the streets looking from some interesting way to earn money. His eye caught a small notice on a side of a building that highlighted a job. It was a little sketchy on the details but he sounded promising. The weirdest thing was, it required a weapon of some sort.

"I thought these people were pacifists," He muttered to himself as he patted his katana. "Well, at least I fit the requirements." He entered the building and had to blink to be able to see in the gloom.

"Are you here to help?" Asked a voice to his right. Trunks spun a defensive manner and glared at the man who had snuck up on him. He blinked. "Gavin?"

The man smiled. You are... Trunks?" He received a nod. "Looking for a job?"

"Yeah. I saw the sign outside. I have a weapon and I know how to use it. What will we be doing exactly?"

"I have to see about some.... business." He said vaguely. "I don't want to go alone so I need a warrior."

"Can you fight yourself?" Trunks asked him. Gavin shook his head.

"The royal family members do not learn weapon training. It would ruin the pacifistic image Vegeta-ojisan projects." He shrugged. "I do not wish to learn anyway."

"I can't go with you if you can't tell me more about the job." He leaned against the now closed door with an expression of patience. He could wait all day if he had to.

Gavin sighed, ran a hand through his hair, and finally explained. "I want to see the Ningai. They are a tribe that lives in the wastelands of Vegeta-sei. I have business with their Chieftess. That is all you will hear."

"It's not much," Trunks admitted while uncrossing his arms. "But I guess it's enough. I really need the money. How much are you paying?"


"One-hundred bonzi?"

"No, one-hundred thousand." Trunks gaped. "You only receive the full amount when my goal is completed. You get two-thousand up front and the rest will be paid at the end whether it takes one meeting or twenty. If it never happens, you will always have the two-thousand. Is this okay?"

The amount of the money had literally blinded Trunks. "It's a deal!"

"We leave now. I can't afford to waste time. Are you ready?"

"How long will it take?"

"Around a week on horseback."

"Wait a minute! I can't be gone for a week. I can get your there within a couple of hours."

"Are you serious?" Gavin was floored. "You really can?"

Trunks nodded. "I can fly you with your directions. Let's go so that I can get back, okay?"

The other man nodded. "Alright."

They walked through the city to get to the main gate out of town. To do so, they had to pass Katrinka's new business.

"Look at that line! Kat must be doing good!"

Gavin nodded, happy for her. "It's wonderful. We must dine there upon our return."

"Niichan!" Bra shouted from the doorway. She had felt his ki nearby. "Get your butt in here, we need your help!"

"I can't Bra-chan. I have a job now. See you later!" He ran off down the street, Gavin in tow.

Bra frowned. Something was up and besides that, her niichan was fraternizing with the enemy.