The New Age Empire v2: Book 1

From this point on, I'm going to assume that you know that most of the Lyz'da (pronnounced liz-da) hiss their S' (unless otherwise stated) and some of the other consonants in certain words like the 'C' is 'recent' or the 'X' in 'experiment'.

~Chapter Five: Despair's End~

Suk'dn-sei was beautiful enough to steal your breath away. The ground was green and lush with thriving plantlife and the sky was the pure azure of zero pollution. Birds chirped and a warm wind blew gently caressing all bare skin like warm silk. But that was where paradise ended. Mia could feel that there was an undercurrent of sadness, determination similar to a candle that was fighting to stay lit during a gust of wind. Their spirits were flickering with rapidly fading determination that their race would not be lost to time. She acknowledged this resoluteness with a smile because it will all be over soon.

"They're losing hope," she said softly to the group.

"We must summon the Dragon quickly!" Amarkan cried.

Muri nodded and placed all seven dragonballs in a circle and motioned for them all to stand back. Then he took a deep breath and said something in his native language that translated to 'Eternal Dragon we ask a wish of you. Please appear so that you may grant it.'.

Quickly the sky darkened as jagged bolts of lightening flashed across the sky. Gusts of wind around forty miles per hour slammed against them as the dragonballs glowed brightly and then began to flash. Then there was a bright flash of light greater than any before and the dragon materialized from the balls.

The Lyz'da (the whole lot of them from the space ship) all stood there in rapt fascination as the dragon changed from from the glowing light into a scaly green creature. He stared down at them, patiently waiting for a wish.

Muri looked to the small group of demi-saiyans for their wishes. They too stood there staring at the dragon as if they had never seen the one back home on Chikyuu before. Mia snapped out of her trancelike state and told him.

"For our first wish, we want everyone that the Kamoku-jin had killed to be brought back to life."

"Just on Chikyuu or every planet?" he asked.

She took a moment to decide. Would the dragon have enough power to restore every victim's lives? It didn't hurt to ask besides, she would never be able to sleep at night if she refused.

"Every single planet."

He nodded and began to concentrate on forming the exact words. The Dragon's eyes glowed red and he spoke.

"It is done." Nothing else happened but all knew that whatever the Eternal Dragon said was truth.

"For our second wish," she said, "we would like Son Goku, Yamcha, Krillin, and Kamesennin Mutenroshi to be brought back to life."

There was a long moment of hesitation and finally the dragon spoke. "Son Goku has died far too many times. This wish cannot be granted."

"But he's needed!" Goten protested. "We can't save the world without him!"

"But didn't you?" he asked. "After Son Goku died, the remaining warriors defeated the Kamoku-jin. I see no threat in the near future that would require his services."

"Goku-san isn't needed simply for battles," Trunks said softly. "You see, Goku-san is what keeps us all together. His strength, kindness, and courage are what we depend on. Papa can't take on the task of uniting the world by himself. He may be the ingenuity and Kaasan the intelligence, but Goku-san is the heart and soul. Without him we would be nowhere."

The Dragon's eyes glowed once again before he responded. "It shall be granted."

"Domo arigatou," Trunks replied. "We will never forget this."

Mia and Goten hugged each other. "Tousan's back!" she said in complete joy, tears of happiness trailing down her cheeks.

"Hai," Goten smiled. "I wish I could have been there to see Kaasan's face."

"You have one final wish," the Dragon spoke in his deep voice. "Make it so that I may return to my slumber."

It was all up to Doctor Judek and Doctor Amarkan now. The disbelief was plain on their faces as if they still couldn't believe that their dream was coming true. Amarkan smiled shakily at Judek.

"Can I have the honor?"

He nodded. "You deserve to be happy."

Turning to Muri she spoke. "We wish that the barren curse be lifted from our people so that our female citizens will be able to bear children again for millennia to come."

He smiled at her and repeated it in Namekian.

"It is done." The Dragon began to flash. "Farewell." In another flash of bright light he disappeared

"How can we ever thank you?" she asked Muri.

He smile grew wider. "Taking us back home would be nice."

"Oh!" she blushed. "That was rude of us. But we were so eager to have everything back to normal..."

"How would you like a tour?" Judek asked over the cheers of the other Lyz'da.

Vegeta smirked. "Are you trying to show us its beauty so that we will fufill our promise of protection?"

"Oh no," he shook his head, still a little frightened of V.J. "Not at all."

"He's joking," Mia said dryly. "Of course we'll take your tour. This seems like a nice planet."


"Ohayo Veggie-chan!" An overly cheerful voice called from outside their shack.

Vegeta looked up from his writing and nodded once. "I see they made the wish."

Goku sat down beside him. "Yup. I hope that doesn't happen again anytime soon. What are you writing?"

He sat his pen aside. The taller saiyan was going to give him any peace until he left. "The onna told me that humans like to finalize things in writing. So I'm creating a copy of the agreement, formally called the Vegeta-sei Alliance."

He was curious. "Why did you call it that? Wouldn't the Chikyuu Alliance be a better name?"

Vegeta shrugged. "Vegeta-sei gave me the idea for the government so I thought that I would call it that."

"Papa! Are you in here?" Bra called as she stepped through the door with Pan and Jakina trailing after her. Pan took one look at her ojiichan and burst into tears.

"You're alive!" she cried as she hugged him. Goku smiled and patted her on the head.

"Kakarott, you didn't even bother to tell your family that you were alive again?" he asked.

"I came straight here. I felt that there was something important that you would need my help for."

"I see," he stood. "Kakarott, I want you to be my second in command and the leader of my army." Goku gave him a look. "Fine, *our* army."

"I don't know, Veggie-chan. That's a lot of responsibility..."

"Do it, Goku-san." Bra said. "It'll be easy for you."

"Alright then, I will!"

"Papa, Mama said to tell you that they wanted you for something," Jakina said. "I don't know what they're talking about."

"Where is she?"

"With those men that you said were from some company. It was something about stone."

Vegeta was very pleased. "Ah. They must be talking about the materials for the palace."

"What palace?" Goku asked. "Are you building another house?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course! Did you think that we were going to be staying *here* for the rest of our lives?" He waved his hand at their tiny shack. It was so small, one couldn't even consider it a house. "A king deserves something far more regal."

"Can I live there with you?" Goku asked. He then corrected himself when a shocked look came over the other's face. "I mean can ChiChi and I live there with you?"

"Sure, why not Kakarott?" Vegeta said sarcastically. "And while I'm at it, I'll let Krillin and his family come too! Better yet, what about Yamcha and his stupid flying cat?"

"Stop being that way, Veggie," Goku said. "I was just asking."

He sighed. "I have things to do. Bra, go tell your mother I'm on my way. Jakina, I want to speak with you. Kakarott, get lost and take your granddaughter with you."

He grinned as he carried Pan out with him. "Now that's the Vegeta I'm used to." Bra laughed and followed him out.

"What ya want to talk to me about, Papa?" Jakina asked.

"Jackie-chan," Vegeta said. He only called her that when there was no one else around save Bra. "How do you feel about all of this?"

She blinked in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm okay."

"That's not what I meant." He picked her up. "Bra's old enough to understand but you're still a child." He sighed deeply. "I didn't even ask you after the War how you were doing."

"I do think what happened what pretty scary," she told him, "but you always told me to be brave about everything. So I was."

Vegeta smiled, he couldn't help it. "I didn't mean to hide what you were feeling from us. You can tell me anything, you know that."

"Can I?" she looked at him seriously. "Papa, I love you and all but you're not the easiest person in the world to talk to. We avoid you as much as we can. Trunks told us stories about how you were when he was small. Whenever he would try and talk to you about something, you would tell him to be quiet and go away so that you could train. Mama's a lot easier to tell stuff to. She always makes time to listen. You probably don't notice that you're doing it, but you don't listen very well."

Vegeta was shocked. He had always tried to make time for his children, or had he? Now that he thought about it, there was always something more important to do. Sparring with Kakarott, training to defeat Kakarott.... It was always the same thing. But Kakarott had always made time for his family. That was just another thing he was better at then him.

No more. He would not put his children's problems on hold any longer. If his endeavor was to be successful, he would need the complete cooperation of his entire family. But if that was to happen, he would have to show them that no one was more important than they were. No one.

"Listen Jackie-chan, it's okay to be afraid. Everyone's a little frightened sometimes."

Her eyes widened. "Even you?"

"Especially me. I'm afraid that your mother will decide one day that I'm not worth being around. I'm afraid that something will happen to one of you kids. I'm afraid of a lot of things."

She hugged him. "I'm glad you told me that. Why don't you show your emotions more often?"

Vegeta walked out into the bright sunlight, heading to where Bulma was showing the construction workers the blueprints they had drawn up last night. He looked down at his youngest child; the one that was still innocent, the one still trying to find her place in a world that was not kind to children. He unconsciously held her tighter as if trying to protect her from all the evils the chaotic universe had to offer.

"I'm not used to doing so," he admitted. "This is still all new to me."

"Don't be afraid of the new things Papa. No one will laugh at you."

"Arigatou Jakina. I love you, you know that?"

"Hai," she smiled. "Even if you don't show it."

"As long as you always remember that, then you'll be okay."


Epilogue: A New Hope

Trunks, Vegeta, Mia, and Goten returned home a few days later along with a little Namekian boy named Magori that attached himself to Goku's daughter. The next few weeks were spent rebuilding everything that they had lost.

The palace was fully built in record time. Around six hundred volunteers helped along with professionals so that their king would have someplace to stay. After dragging Vegeta and her children to store after store to pick furniture for every room of their new home, Bulma contented herself with matching everything just right so that when people visited they left wishing that their rooms looked like the royal palace's. Vegeta considered this to be pathetic.

Vegeta allowed Goku and his family to live with him after Bulma ranted at him for nearly an hour. She told him that her Son-kun was just as important as he was and it would be nice to have them around every single day. Her mate, of course, considered it a curse.

Little Magori earned his place in everyone's heart. Mia was like his mother and she, Pan, Bra, and Jakina spent a lot of time with him. Goku constantly went on and on about how cute he was and Gohan said he reminded him of Dende when he was a child.

Vegeta was living it up. He told everyone that it was just like old Vegeta-sei. All he needed was some slaves and people to bow and call him Vegeta-oui every time he passed by. Bulma became furious and informed him that no one would bow and scrape just to make him happy. Then she found out that he was joking.

Chikyuu continued its isolated existence in the Milky Way galaxy relatively peacefully and a new era was born on the planet. Of course nothing would ever be the same again but that was the joy of it. Something new to experience, something new to behold. A few things remained exactly the same-

"I'm going to kill you one day Kakarott! Count on it!"

-but that's an entirely different story.



I have a question, how come no one reviewed the last few parts? It feels like no one is even reading this. Stay tuned for book two that doesn't even have a title yet.