Who Wants to be a Trillionaire?-Part 2: Bulma Briefs


Disclaimer: If you really care and want to read it, see Who Wants to be a Trillionaire Part 1.


(one week after part 1)

Regis: Welcome to this weeks edition of Who Wants to be a Trillionaire! Last week we had Son Goku, the worlds savior on. The question was: What is the name of Mirai Trunks' time machine?

A) Happiness

B) Love

C) Peace

D) Hope

And the person who gave the correct answer and did it the quickest was... Bulma Briefs with D! She owns the Capsule Corporation and has a grumpy husband, Vegeta and two children: Bra and Trunks; who are in our studio audience.

(Trunks & Bra wave and give each gives a thumbs up at the camera.Bulma walks up to Regis and sits down)

Bulma: Happy to be here.

Regis: I'm sure you know the rules. There are three life-lines: Phone a Friend, 50/50, and Ask the Audience.

Bulma: Right!

Regis: Now, are you ready?

Bulma: Yeah.

Regis: For 3,000 zenni:

What does the back of Vegeta's favorite tee shirt say?

A) Tough Man

B) Rough Boy

C) Bad Man

D) Bad Boy

Bulma: Since I'm the one who gave him the shirt, the answer is C. Bad Man

Regis: Is that your final answer?

Bulma: Of course.

Regis: Bulma, you are... correct!

Bra: Yea, Mom!

Regis: The next question, for 6,000 zenni:

Who did Captain Ginyu switch bodies with the first time?

A) Piccolo

B) Vegeta

C) Goku

D) Krillin

Bulma: I wasn't there! How should I know?

Regis: Guess or use a life-line then.

Bulma: Okay. I'll use 50/50.

Regis: Computer, please leave one right answer and one wrong for Mrs. Briefs.

Bulma: (looking and seeing only C and D left.) I don't think a bald midget would have satisfied him so I say C.

Regis: Is that your final answer?

Bulma: What do you think?

Regis: Is that your-

Bulma: YES! DUH!

Regis: Well Bulma, your are correct! You now have 9,000 zenni!

Bulma: All right!

Regis: May I ask what are you going to do with the money? I mean, you already are a trillionaire!

Bulma: I wasn't going to keep it! I was going to give it to my dear friend Son-kun. They need it more that we do any way.

Regis: That's a nice thing to do.

Bulma: I know.

Regis: Anyway, next question. For 10,000 zenni, Name all the Ginyu Force members in order of tallest to smallest:

Bulma: WHAT?!

Regis: A) Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Captain Ginyu, Guldo

B) Burter, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, Jeice, Guldo

C) Burter, Recoome, Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Guldo

D) Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Guldo, Burter, Recoome

Bulma: I'm going to use another life-line. Phone a Friend and WHERE DO YOU GET THESE QUESTIONS FROM?

Regis: I'm only the host, I don't know. Which friend would you like to call?

Bulma: (thinking) I don't want to call Son-kun, too dense. Don't want to call Vegeta, if I win, I'm giving the money to Goku and family. I know! I'll call Gohan! (outloud) I want to call Son Gohan!

(the call is connected and Pan answers the phone)

Pan: Moshi Moshi?

Regis: This is the show, Who Wants to be a Trillionaire and are you Son Gohan?

Pan: WOW! A tv show!

Regis: Are you Son Gohan?

Pan: No! That's my 'tousan. I'll go get him for you. (yelling) TOUSAN! TELEPHONE!

(after a moment, Gohan picks up.)

Gohan: I got it, Pan-chan. Moshi Moshi?

Regis: Are you Son Gohan?

Gohan: Yes, yes I am.

Regis: Finally! This is the show, Who Wants to be a Trillionaire and your friend Bulma Briefs needs your help. Bulma, please read the question to him.

Bulma: Name all the Ginyu Force members in order of tallest to smallest:

A) Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Captain Ginyu, Guldo

B) Burter, Captain Ginyu, Recoome, Jeice, Guldo

C) Burter, Recoome, Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Guldo

D) Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Guldo, Burter, Recoome

Gohan: You know how long its been since I seen them?! I was a little kid!

Bulma: C'mon. You're the smartest person I know and have the best memory, next to me of course. Think Gohan, think!

(the time ticks away. finally Gohan came up with an answer)

Gohan: Uh it's C!

Bulma: Are you sure?

Gohan: Yes.

Bulma: Positive?

Gohan: Yes.

Bulma: Are you-


Bulma: Alright, alright! Thanks!

Gohan: No problem.

Bulma: My answer to that question will be C.

Regis: Is that your-

Bulma: If you want to live, I wouldn'recommendnd that you continue that question.

Regis: Yes, ma'am.

Bulma: That is my final answer.

Regis: You are correct! You now have  19,000 zenni!

Bulma: Cool!

(at the Son house)

ChiChi: We're gonna be rich anyway! Bulma is so wonderful!

(at the studio)

Regis: For 1 million zenni, What planet did your beloved Vegeta and his underling Nappa utterly destroy on his way to Earth?

A) Namek

B) Arlia

C) Velon

D) Saturn

Bulma: I think it's B. Arlia. Namek and Saturn are out ultimately and I don't think that Velon is even a planet.

(Regis opens his mouth)

Bulma: Don't even ask. YES!

Regis: You are correct! You now have 1,019,000 zenni!

Bulma: I'm going to win!

Regis: The final question for 1 trillion zenni and everyone misses it. In the second part of the S.S. Anne episode, what Pokémon evolved into Gyrados and what attack did it use on Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessi, James, and their Pokémon?:

Bulma: Wait a minute!  A Pokémon question? That's not fair!

Regis: It wasn't supposed to be fair. Now,

A) Goldeen, water gun

B) Cloyster,  bubble beam

C) Magikarp, dragon rage

D) Horsea, hydro pump.

Bulma: Oh kami! I don't know! I use my last life-line, Ask the Audience.

(the results were tallied)

Regis: The audience has no clue. All the bar graphs are at 0. You're on your own.

Bulma: I say, uh, D! It sounds oceanic.

Regis: Are you-


Regis: You are wrong Bulma sorry. It's C, but you still go home with 100,000 zenni.

(before Bulma can go off, Bra and Trunks comes down to her and restrains her)

Trunks: You still won some money 'kassan. Don't push it.

(they leave the studio)

(at the Son house)

ChiChi: She is so stupid! I can't believe she lost! (she gets up and goes to her armory) She'll get a good surprise when she gets home.

(back at the studio)

Regis: That's our show! (muttering) We need to stop having psychos on here. (louder) Good bye!

Next time on Who Wants to be a Trillionaire, Son Chi Chi!