Disclaimer: I've said this time and time again. So I'm not saying it now. Since you're bright, you should know the standard one.

Note: I've decided to go a different route this time... and the Gohan and Videl thing might contradict the series. Gomen nasai, but I've never seen any of the Majin Buu saga, or any of the Android one for that matter. I read the manga from planetnamek.com. Oh and fanart is welcomed. I really should have said that a long time ago. I might draw something later on.

Authors notes are back! { }

And now, the final and longest episode!

Once Upon a Dragon Ball: Third Section, Episode 30

(Scene opens at the Capsule Corp. at nighttime. They're having a little dinner party thing and the table's piled high with dishes. The only people still eating, er licking the plates are Vegeta, Goku, Goten, and Trunks. {and Zandor went back to his planet in casts, stitches, and bruses complement of Gohan})

Bulma: There's no food left! Hello? (she waved her hand in front of their faces) Guys! (she gets an idea and moves to Vegeta first) Veggie-chan! Yamcha asked me to marry him and I agreed.

Vegeta: (eyes widening) NANI?!

Bulma: Just kidding. (moved to Goku) ChiChi said she was going to stop cooking and you would have to feed yourself.

Goku: NO! Not that! Anything but that!

Bulma: Heh heh. (moves to Goten) Bra's pregnant with your child.

Goten: NANI?! How'd you find out about the night in Hawaii?

Bulma: (stares in shock) I don't even want to know. (moves to Trunks) There's a hair out of place and you seem to be getting wrinkles.

Trunks: (gasping, jumping up and running to a mirror, and whipping out a comb) Oh no! Not my beautiful face and my beautiful hair! What did I ever do to deserve this? Hey! (peering closer) You tricked me!

Bulma: I had to. You all were going to eat the silverware next. The things I have to put up with! (she goes into the living room where everyone else was already occuping and somehow they got to the topic of the past.)

(Scene opens in the living room. All of Trunks and Pans' kids are in another room playing the Nintendo 64 and a Playstation and Dreamcast they brought over.)

ChiChi: ...and I went into Gohan's room to make sure he was studying and I saw he and Goku playing chess! (everyone gasped in shock) That's not the amazing part! Goku was winning!

Juuhachi-gou: Impossible!

Goku: (coming in the room with Vegeta, Goten, and Trunks) HEY!

Krillin: Sorry Goku but it is a little strange to see you doing that.

(Bulma came over and sat down)

Bulma: So Piccolo, (He is over there. Will wonders ever cease?) how are you doing in your misguided villian support group?

Piccolo: Well, they've almost forgiven me for threatening Chikyuu like that and they're speaking to me now.

Bulma: That's good.

Trunks: (joking) So Goten, what are you going to name you and Bra's child?

Goten: (blushing) Shut up Trunks!

Bra: (looking at them in shock) How did you find out? I was going to surprise you later!

(Goten looked at her and fainted)

Trunks: I wonder why he does that?

Pan: (rushing inside the house) Guess what Trunks! We're having triplets!

(Trunks quickly followed suite.)

Juu-chan: Krillin...

Krillin: OH NO! Not you too!

Juu-chan: (snorting) Iie! I... nevermind.

(Trunks moaned and sat up)

Bulma: Trunks, you and Pan are way too busy at night! Didn't you know it's supposed to be for sleeping?

Trunks: (retorting) Oh look who's talking! Did you know that when I was little, the phone rang constantly because people were wondering if someone was being killed!

(Vegeta was smirking proudly while Bulma was blushing)

Bulma: (nervously) Er... heh heh heh. I, uh, I-- Veggie-chan! Help me out here!

(Vegeta just kept on smirking)

Bulma: Fine! (she looked at everyone and smirked) Did you know that most of the time it was your father?

(Everyone started to laugh at Vegeta's horrified expression)

Vegeta: (whispering) I thought we promised we wouldn't discuss this outside of the bedroom!

Bulma: Whatever. I've got more dirt on Vegeta! You want to hear?

(Everyone nodded eagerly and leaned forward. Goten had recovered and was curious too.)

Bulma: Vegeta sleeps in Teletubby boxers!

(Hysterical laughter from this.)

Vegeta: (getting into it) Oh yeah? Well, Bulma likes whips, tight leather, and handcuffs. Not in that order.


Bulma: Vegeta sleeps with a night light!

(More hysterical laughter.)

Vegeta: Well, uh, Bulma talks in her sleep!

(More silence.)

Trunks: Uh Tousan, in case you didn't know. The object is to dig up something funny.

Vegeta: You want funny? Trunks pays all of those girls to follow him! How's that for funny?

Goten: You do? Oh man Trunks! I didn't know you could sink so low!

Trunks: (blusing heavily) I-- (he suddenly grinned) Goten has lately been having a little trouble "performing in bed"!

Bra: Goten! You said you were tired! (turning to her brother) Nichan? How would you know?

Trunks: He told me.

Goten: It's payback time! Trunks shaves his legs!

Vegeta & Bulma: NANI?!

Trunks: (blushing) Pan likes them that way...

Bulma: (steers the conversation away from Trunks like a good kaasan) So? Vegeta loves Son-kun like a brother!

Vegeta: Onna! You promised not to tell anyone!

(Goku grins and approaches Vegeta)

Goku: Aw Vegeta! I didn't know you felt that way about me! (Goku gives him a huge hug.)

Vegeta: Kakarott! Let me go!

(Goten suddenly remembers all those times Gohan ratted on him to ChiChi. He said he did it because it was his job, but Goten knew better.)

Goten: Oh nichan...

Gohan: (looks up and immediately doesn't like the way Goten is smiling. He starts talking to him silently) NO! Don't do it!

Goten: Kaasan, did you know that Gohan's first time wasn't on the honeymoon?

ChiChi: WHAT?!

Goten: Hai. There was the cave by our house, our bedroom when he thought we weren't home and..

Goten: (loudly) THAT'S ENOUGH GOTEN.

Pan: (shuddering) That was a little more than I wanted to know Goten-ojisan.

ChiChi: Gohan, how could you do that? (She started to lecture him on safe sex. Gohan gave Goten a look that clearly said 'He was going to get it later'.)

Videl: (glaring at Goten) Gohan told me that Goten wet the bed until he was 15!

Goten: I had a bladder problem! (He suddenly smirked wickedly. Videl made a mental run-through of all the things that she could hide and gasped.)

Videl: You wouldn't!

Goten: Hai I would. And I will. (standing on the coffee table) ATTENTION EVERYONE! I KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT VIDEL THAT EVEN GOHAN DOESN'T! (that got everyones attention) Videl was pregnant with Pan before they got married!

(A huge gasp sounding and everyone looked at Videl and some at Gohan)

Gohan: Goten! You don't need to lie like that!

Videl: He's not. I was..

Pan: Kaasan! How come you never told anyone?

Videl: I was surprised myself that Gohan didn't notice. He knew when ChiChi was pregnant with Goten. But I guess he was too busy with the wedding plans. Unfortunately Goten did notice. He knew because of Bulma carrying Bra. I had to tell him everything. (she cast a hurt look in Gotens direction) I just never knew that he break a promise like that.

Goten: (feeling like a baka) Gomen nasai Videl. I shouldn't have said anything...

Videl: I guess I could forgive you. I should have told Pan and Gohan anyway. But you have to do something for me...

Goten: Anything!

Videl: Be my slave for a week.

Goten: ...but that.

Videl: I've got a secret about you that you don't want them finding out. Especially Goku and ChiChi.

Goten: You're going to blackmail me?

Videl: Of course.

Goten: (grumbling) Fine.

Videl: Good! Starting tomorrow, you will live at our house so I can ask you to do things 24 hours a day!

Goten: (sarcastically) Goody!

Trunks: (wondering what Gotens secret is, but can wait until later) I have an idea! How about we play a game?

Bra: Which one?

Trunks: How about Twister?

Bra: Okay. That's fun.

{authors note: I actually set this up to give Vegeta the most problems. Heh heh heh. :-) Oh and for those not familiar with the color order, it's Green, Yellow, Blue, and Red from left to right. This is the way I'm going to tell it.}

Vegeta: Twister? What is that?

Bulma: (thinking how potentially funny this could be) It's a video game. (she gives everyone a look to play along)

Bra: Yeah Papa. A video game.

Vegeta: I've got nothing else to do, sure.

Goku: But is not a-- (ChiChi shoves her hands over his mouth)

ChiChi: (whispering) You were always terrible at lying. (she taks off her shoes and everyone else does the same except Vegeta who had to be coaxed by Bulma.)

Trunks: I'll be the spinner. (he went into another room and got the mat and spinner) Okay. (after setting up the mat) Right hand blue!

Vegeta: Nani? What purpose does this serve?

Bulma: Just do it and have fun! And don't fall!

(Vegeta grumbled but did it anyway. These are the positions:
Bulma and Bra are sharing a circle, as well as Juu-chan and Piccolo; Marron and ChiChi; Krillin, Goku, and Vegeta, Goten and Videl; and Gohan and Pan.)

Trunks: (flicking the arrow) Right foot yellow!

Krillin: (taking position) This game isn't fair to short people! Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, and Goten have the best chance of winning!

Vegeta: Shut up! Before I shut you up!

Bulma: Vegeta! Hush!

Krillin: And you know better than anyone that I'm telling the truth. (Vegeta glared at him) No offence.

Trunks: Left foot red!

Bulma: WHAT?! I can't move that way!

Bra: You're facing the wrong way! (To Bra, the color order is red, blue, yellow, and green.)

(Position update: Bulma - left foot crossing over her right hand, right foot and her left arm over Bra's back. Bra - right hand crossing over right foot. And basically everyone else has similar positions except Goku, Krillin, and Vegeta who are falling all over each other.)

Trunks: (spinning) Left foot yellow!

Videl: Oh Kami!

(This helps out some people such as Bulma and Juu-chan but hinders others like Videl, Bra, and Piccolo.)

Trunks: Left hand red!

Goku: What about green?

Goten: What about it?

Goku: It hasn't come up.

(Krillin groaned and tried to move and ended up bumping Vegeta who growled at him. Goku also tried to move and couldn't.)

Trunks: You move or you're out.

(Goku moved first and then Krillin, but Vegeta was in trouble. He ended up entwining his arms with Goku and Krillin and having his whole body over Krillins.)

Goku: Vegeta, you're hair is poking me in my face!

Vegeta: Shut up Kakarott! (Then he's struck with a good idea. He uses his head to tickle Goku and try to get him out.)

Goku: Hahaha.That's not fair Vegeta! Hahaha. (whining) Trunks! Your father is cheating!

Trunks: Shame on you Tousan! You're out of there! I guess this is one more thing Goku can do better than you.

Vegeta: What?! I'm the best at Twister!

Trunks: Then prove it. Left foot green!

Pan: That wasn't so bad...

Trunks: Left foot red!

Juu-chan: This is way worse!

Krillin: I can't do it! My leg just won't reach without tripping Goku or moving a hand. (but he tries anyway and did trip Goku who fell on Vegeta, who hit Goten who fell on Videl and Videls' arm hit Gohan and Gohan fell taking Pan down with him. Piccolo, Juu-chan, Bulma, Bra, Marron, and ChiChi were looking at them and laughing.)

Pan: (wailing) Krillin!

Vegeta: (Under a lot of people and his voice is muffled {his head's in Goku's arm pit, heh heh}) Kakarott! Get off me!

Goku: I can't! There's 4 people on me!

Krillin: Uh help! You're crushing me! (He squirms and his head emerges between Goku's left leg and Vegeta's right one. He moves a little more and gets out with Juu-chan's help.)

(Gohan gets up and offers a hand to Pan and then Videl. He ignores Goten's hand and walks off. Pan helps her uncle. Goku gets off of Vegeta and picks him up bodily and rights him.)

Vegeta: I am never playing that game again.

Goku: You can still play. Just not with so many people. And of course, you didn't win this one. Acutally, no one did. Another game?

Trunks: Only Tousan, Goku-san, ChiChi, Marron, Juu-hachi-gou, Kaasan, and B-chan need to play. I want to play too. (he hands to spinner to Goten and walks over.)

Vegeta: This time, stay far away from me.

Goku: (cheerfully) Will do!

Trunks: At least this time the domino effect won't happen when someone falls.

(Positions: Marron & Bra are sharing a circle, then Piccolo, then Juu-chan, then ChiChi & Goku, then Trunks, then Vegeta & Bulma.)

Goten: (spinning) Left hand red!

Piccolo: This is easier if you don't share a circle.

(ChiChi was infront of Goku, Bulma was behind Vegeta, and Bra was kind of beside Marron.)

Goten: Right foot green!

Vegeta: Come on brat, give me some hard ones!

Goten: Right hand red.

(Another easy one)

Goten: Left foot green.

Bulma: (over Vegeta and left foot under Trunks') This isn't too bad.

(The game continues. {and I'm stopping with detailed description (I'm getting lazy :Þ) so use your imaginations})

Goten: Right foot yellow.

(No falling yet...)

Goten: Left foot blue. (they comply) Left hand green.

(and they play until finally Goku wins)

ChiChi: (rubbing her butt) I didn't know you were so flexable Goku! But it could be used for other things... (she gives a confused Goku a look)

Goku: What are you talking about ChiChi?

ChiChi: (groans and everyone sweatdrops) Nevermind Goku.

Vegeta: (pulls Goku off to the side and whispers to him. His face expressions change a lot until it rests on embaressment and he's starts to blush)

Goku: Oh! Uh okay. (gets redder)

Bulma: I know for a fact that Vegeta is just as flexable. He should have won.

ChiChi: (giving her a look) Is that all you people ever do?

Bulma: Not all the time... sometimes we--

Vegeta: (puts a hand over her mouth) wrestle.

Bulma: (removing his hand with effort) snuggle.

ChiChi: Vegeta, snuggle?! (starts to giggle uncontrolably and Bra, Videl, Pan and Marron joins her.) That's so sweet!

Trunks: You are whipped Tousan. (he makes the noise to go along with it) Very, very whipped.

Vegeta: This comes from a man who shaves his legs because his mate likes it like that?!

Pan: Hey! I like smooth skin and Trunks was starting to look like an ape, monkey boy.

Trunks: She's exagerating. (looks to Goten) She was exagerating.

(During this Gohan had fallen asleep on the couch with Videl in his arms (she was sleep too.) Pan went to go and collect her children so she could go home, Trunks was still arguing with his father, Bra and Goten were discussing what to name the baby, and ChiChi was trying to seduce Goku.)

Bulma: (looking around at everyone and sighing) I sure miss days like this.

{I think that it's time to end this lengthy episode}

(Scene opens 15 minutes later in the Capsule Corps' entry hall. Bulma is saying goodbye to everyone.)

Vegeta: I'm going to beat you at that game someday Kakarott!

Goku: How about we play again next week? It gives you time to practice.

Vegeta: Wouldn't need it.

Bulma: Bye everyone! Hope to see you again real soon!

ChiChi: (hugging Bulma) I'll be over sometime next week, when Goku comes. I want to be there when the prince loses again.

Bulma: (laughing) But he'll sure try hard! (ChiChi grabs Goku and they fly home)

Videl: By Bulma! Have to get together again. (turns to Goten) Come on. Let's fly to your house so you can pack, slave.

Goten: Sure Videl. (she raises an eyebrow and he sighs) Sure, almightly queen of the world.

Videl: (giggling) Ja ne, Bulma! (she and Goten fly to the Son house)

Gohan: More grandchildren. I'm too young to have so many!

Pan: (laughing) Oh Tousan! (turns to her children) Come on kids, give Grandpa Gohan a big hug so we can go home.

(All 8 hug him and they all take to the air. (Trunks is carrying the littlest one))

Kids: Bye! (they fly away)

Gohan: (sighing) I think they look like a flock of geese. Sayonara Bulma-san. (he hugs her) Vegeta. (he holds out his hand and surprisingly Vegeta shakes it.) Are you going back to the plains Piccolo-san?

Piccolo: (shrugging) Got no where else to go.

Gohan: (walking away with Piccolo beside him, talking) How about getting a house in the city? I know just the one...

Krillin: Ja ne Bulma. Ja ne Vegeta. See you later. (he hugs Bulma and then leaves with Marron)

Juu-chan: I still don't like you Veggie-brain, but I can tolerate you. (hugs Bulma) Sayonara Bulma-san. (follows Krillin outside.)

(Bulma waves one last time then closes the door.)

Bulma: You could at least said bye, Veggie-chan. (she looks at the staircase) How about we find out just how flexable you really are? Race you!

Vegeta: You're on! (they both crouch and then Bulma takes off) HEY!

Bulma: Bye Veggie-chan! (he runs after her)

Owari (finally)

Onna = woman
Owari = the end

How did you like it? Please tell me! I love feedback of all kinds!