Disclaimer: If you don't know this by now, your idiocy puts Goku to shame! (j/k)

Note: Anija, I read you comment on Episode 22 and decided to use it. Everyone, if you haven't read it, do so now. It would be to your benefit.

Once Upon a Dragon Ball: Special Edition #5: The Coming of a New Threat

Last time on Once Upon a Dragon Ball:

-They got word that the enemy would be arriving that day

-Everyone gathered at the Capsule Corp. and began rigorous training

(Scene opens at the Capsule Corp. Everyone is on the ground panting with exertion, asleep, or just plain unconcious, everyone except Goku that is.)

Gohan: You-::pant::-said-::pant::-that you would-::pant::- go easy on-::pant::-us!

Goku: Oops?

Gohan: OOPS! Is that all you can say?!

Goku: Well, we have to get some senzu beans into you and also some food. Help me wake everyone up.

(Gohan nods and stands, almost falling off his feet. They go around and wake the sleeping ones and hoped that the others would come to in time. They all gathered in silence, each thinking to the battle ahead. Goku, of course, broke it.)

Goku: (cheerfully) Why do you all look so down? It'll be fine!

Krillin: (muttering) A simple thing to say, coming from a guy who can't die.

Goku: (rolling his eyes at the comment) Look, only the people that haven't died yet can fight first. So 18, Bra, Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Pan go ahead. We'll watch.

(All of the mentioned gasped.)

Trunks: Are you kidding?!

Goku: (nodding happily) Yep!

(Everyone groaned loudly and sweatdropped.)

Goku: Well, we have 10 minutes, so relax!

(The 10 minutes passed rather quickly and soon they all felt the presence of great power. Taking to the air they flew in the direction of the source)

(Scene opens in a desert. Captain Pinapple is standing at the entrance of the ship while Lemon and Mango are scouting the surrounding area.)

Captain: Hurry it up! We don't have all day!

Lemon and Mango: Yes Captain!

(The Z-Senshi arrived at that time and they started to laugh. {Did I forget to mention that they were about 36 inches in height? Oops. ::smirks evily::})

Vegeta: (after he finished laughing) You things think that you can defeat us?

Lemon: If need be, yes.

(Vegeta began laughing so hard he had tears coming out of his eyes. Goku shushed him and turned to the being who looked like the leader)

Goku: Who are you and why are you here?

(The captain walked down the gangplank and shook Goku's hand)

Captain: Ah, someone with sense. (he cast a glance at the still laughing Vegeta)

(Everyone else raised their eyebrows in surprise.)

Captain: We are from Food-sei... (Vegeta laughed so hard his stomach started to hurt) and we need a planet to live on. Ours is beyond repair.

Goku: I see. Well, I hate to turn you away, but there isn't enough room for you people too. I hate to turn you away, but I'm sorry.

(Choutzu started to laugh. He actually had the nerve to come up and do it right in their face. Something he always wanted to do to someone but couldn't. {for obvious reasons} Mango grew angry, took out a mini gun (think Men in Black) and shot him with it.)


(There was a length pause and suddenly you heard a faint reply)

You Bastard!

(Everyone there looked at each other and shrugged. Goku just widened his eyes and backed away. Vegeta got up and they all go into a huddle)

Goku: Okay, we need someone to fight them.

Goten: I volunteer Tien!

Trunks: Yeah! You're out for revenge anyway. Go and die for Chikyuu....again. Go! (he and Goten pushed him forward. Tien sighs and straightens up.)

Tien: Well Choutzu, I'll be seeing ya soon.

Goten: HURRY UP! WE DON'T HAVE ETERNITY! (thinking) Well, Tousan does.

(Tien walks forward and shoots a ki blast at the lead alien. Some kind of shield reflects it.)

Captain: Mental power, never leave home without it. Look, we're making it easy for you. Give up the planet. or perish. It's that simple. So do it! Or do you have a death wish?

(They couldn't take it anymore. Everyone started to laugh again except Goku.)

Lime: (coming outside) Appearances can be deceiving. Look, I'll prove it to you. (he concentrated and suddenly Vegeta lifted into the air, struggling all the while.)

Trunks: What's going on? What are you doing to Tousan?!

Lime: Something he deserves. (the connection broke and Vegeta fell the five feet to the ground....hard.) We don't need size to fight you, our mental abilities more than enough make up for it.

Vegeta: Yeah, see what he did to me! (he stood, dusted himself off, and crossed his arms)

Disclaimer: You know it, right? Because I really don't feel like typing it.

Once Upon a Dragon Ball: Special Edition #5-The Coming of a New Threat (part 2)

Last time on Once Upon a Dragon Ball:

-The Z-Senshi got the shock of their life when they saw the aliens

-Vegeta got a little roughed up

-Choutzu got killed

-Tien's out for revenge

(Scene opens at the battle ground. The aliens are all out in the open staring up at the rest. {Krillin now has someone to look down on ^_^ })

Captain: (sighing) There is nothing you can do. Just give up and there will not be any more blood shed.

(Goku motioned to everyone and they huddled once more)

Goku: (whispering) Look, I have an idea. Why don't we take out the leader? Like Frieza, they might now want to kill us anymore. (sees everyone's looks) Hey! It's worth a shot! I don't see anyone else coming up with ideas.

Krillin: He's right. Let's try it. Who's the sneakiest?

(Everyone looked around and then they all looked at Bra.)

Bra: Me?!

Vegeta: Yes you! You snuck behind me and Bulma's backs and trained. You also joined the Satan City Circle and was an active member for five years before we found out. You are a master at the art.

Bra: (sort of proud) Thank you! I guess...

Vegeta: (grabbing her by the shoulders) So go and kill him. We'll cover you. (he pushed her forward)

(Bra walked forward, stopped, then turned around. The rest where just as she had left them, none of them moved a muscle. Then Krillin did a Solar Flare and she made sure to cover her eyes. While the little aliens were blinded, she began to gather energy in her palm. She threw it at the Captain...just to be rewarded by it coming right by at her. Luckily she ducked and it sailed over her head and hit Vegeta.)

Captain: You actually thought that would work? Ha! I could sense that you know! Soon the armies will come and we'll wipe you out, claiming this planet, Chikyuu, as our own! (insert evil villian laugh here)

Goku: (sarcastic) This is just fine! (almost {but not quite} defeated) We need another way!

Goten: Why don't we just let them stay? (low) For now anyway.

Bra: I have an idea to go along with Gotens. We let them stay now, and we do germ warfare on them later. Kaasan and I can develope the perfect virus that only hits them. But we'll also have to make sure that it doesn't mutate and kill us off too. Maybe it could just give us a cold of something.

Goku: It's really cruel...

Vegeta: But really effective! We do this now and kill the little bastards later. (smirking evily) In as much pain as possible.


Piccolo: We can make them attack us, then we could destroy them. (he turned to the aliens) Please tell me you can't read minds from a distance or without touching the subject.

Captain: Nope. We can't. (The Z-senshi audibly sigh in relief) But...

Lime: (picking up from where he left off) That doesn't mean we can't learn!

(The Z-senshi groan.)

Gohan: So there is no way to defeat you?

Captain: Why would you need to? We're perfectly good neighbors. (whining) This planet has enough space, enough life, and enough vegetation for us all! Why are you being so selfish?

Goku: You're right. (he walks to him and holds out his hand) Then I welcome you...

Captain: Captain Pinapple of Food-sei

Goku: Captain Pinapple and the rest of the people of Food-sei to Chikyuu.

Captain: (grinning) Good! Good! I knew you would eventually see it my way. I'll have to make a report to my superiors and the rest should be here within a few days.

Goku: (gulping) A few days...

Captain: Yes. We have faster technology. Light speed comes easy to us.

What are they getting themselves into? Will this turn out alright? Stay tuned to the next exciting episode of Once Upon a Dragon Ball!