Disclaimer: Do I own them? Wouldn't you like to know.

Note #1: You're probably thinking right now, "Oh no! Goku Girl has reached Episode 20! She stopped at 10 last time! Will she do it again?" The answer to this is, "Yes I will." Like the last time I stopped for a while, I will continue. This series is too good to give up. But unlike when I stopped at Episode 10, I will NOT let a month go by before I continue. This time it will be more like a week or two tops. I should also have chapters to The Portal to Beyond and Dragon Ball CG out faster as well. So you still benefit from my pausing! Isn't America wonderful?! :)

Once Upon a Dragon Ball: Second Section, Episode 20

Last time on Once Upon a Dagon Ball:

-Vegeta is being tortured in a way that has never been tried before

-Somebody actually got kicked out of Hell! {uh excuse me, HFIL} Is that even possible?

-Trunks, Gohan, and Goten's mission is complete and they are well on their way to stopping, Piccolo

(Scene opens in Bulma's lab. Bra is tied down onto a table {what they used to cover her mouth is gone} and Piccolo is trapped in some bubble like thing and is running on what seems to be a hampster wheel.)

Bulma: Now this will end once and for all.

Gohan: I hope so.

Piccolo: We would have got away with this too, if it wasn't for those three hybrids and their techniques.

Gohan: Piccolo-san, I didn't know you watched Scooby Doo!

Piccolo: Well, don't go blabbing it around, you hear?

Bulma: (rolling her eyes) Bra honey, why did you do this?

Bra: Like I'm going to tell you.

Bulma: You almost killed your brother!

Bra: "Almost" is the key word here.

Bulma: That's not the point! You still killed, it just happened to be your Papa and Son-kun, the Earth's protectors! If some evil villian comes, and I have no doubt that they will, we're toast!

Gohan: (protesting) But Bulma-san! We're still here! (pointing at himself, Goten, and Trunks.)

Bulma: Gohan you hate to kill things, Goten you're the weakest, and Trunks, you goof off too much.

Gohan: But we could help!

Bulma: Gohan, dear, you would only succeed in slowing the inevitable.

Pan: B-chan come on! You know we love you, right everyone?

(Goten, Gohan, Trunks, and Bulma all nod. ChiChi is glaring death at her husbands killer.)

Bra: Whatever. You never pay attention to me. You don't love me! That's all a lie!

Trunks: B-chan, that's my excuse. Everyone knows you're "Daddy's Little Girl". Well, until you murdered him anyway.

(Everyone nods again, even ChiChi this time.)

Bra: Okay, okay. Do you all want to know the real reason why I joined Piccolo-sama in his conquest?

(Everyone nods yet again and even Piccolo is looking rather interested.)

Bra: It all started when I was a little girl...

(Scene opens in the Afterlife. Vegeta is once again before King Enma {I probably spelled it wrong before, my bad.}, but this time the caretaker of Heaven, well an assistant anyway, is with him.)

Assistant: Pardon me King Enma, but we have a little problem.

Enma: (seeing Vegeta and sighing) What is it now?

Assistant: This person was disturbing the peace of Heaven by knocking hard on the elevator door and screaming that he didn't want to stay with Goku and that he needed help. We just cannot deal with things like that. Good day.

(Bowing, the assistant left and Enma turned to Vegeta.)

Enma: I think I have a solution.

Vegeta: (eagerly) Really? What is it?

Enma: I'll just have to send you back to Hell.

Vegeta: What?! That place SUCKS! It's just soooo boring!

(Satan appears from out of thin air.)

Satan: I heard that! I will not allow, the saiyan to be returned to me! This is where I put my foot down!

(He stomped and King Enma opened a hole underneath him, that of which he fell through.)

Enma: (calling after him) When I want your input, I'll ask for it! (turning back to Vegeta) Okay. (thinking) I have another idea. GOKU! COME HERE!

(Goku hears him and teleports to him as fast as he could.)

Goku: You yelled?

Enma: Goku, Vegeta is just not cut out to be here. I will give you immortality--

(Vegeta gasps audibly and gapes at Enma.)

Enma: (ignoring Vegeta and continuing) ...so that you can watch out for Vegeta and make sure that he doesn't return here anytime soon. At least until we can devise something that will contain him and torture him at the same time. You will be a sort of Guardian Angel with substance. Vegeta, you will be granted you life back. Please take him now, (Enma started to massage his temples) I'm getting a migraine.

Goku: Yes sir! I won't let you down! (to Vegeta) Come on. I know Bulma probably wants to see you.

(Vegeta stops glaring at Goku and brightens when he said the word "Bulma".)

Vegeta: Sure. (to Enma) See ya, Horn Boy!

Enma: Watch it! You still have to come back here some day!

Vegeta: (getting a little nervous) Uh right.

{Okay here's the flash back}

(Chibi-Bra, who is about 4, is outside playing with a doll and watching Vegeta, Trunks and Goten spar.)

Bra: Wow! I wish I could do that!

(Soon they stop and Vegeta walks over to Bra and picks her up.)

Bra: Papa? Can I do that too?

Vegeta: No, you can't You mother won't let me train you and besides, we don't want the little Princess to get hurt, do we?

Bra: (giggling at being called Princess) No Papa.

Vegeta: Good. Let's go inside.


Older Bra: I loved watching Niichan, Goten-niichan, and 'Tousan spar. I wanted to be able to feel power like that as well. So that is why I went to Piccolo-sama in secret when I was 12 and asked him to train me.


Piccolo: You make me laugh! A weakling like you wants me to train them!

Bra: I am not weak and besides, you're good at training people who haven't been trained before. Just look at what you did for Son Gohan!

Piccolo: Alright, I'll give you one chance and one chance only. If you can't do it, then you leave. As sinple as that.

Bra: That's fine! Thanks!


Older Bra: I trained for months, leaving early in the morning and returning home late at night. It seemed to make no difference. I was a weakling. I was born weak. I could only fly, spar a little, and throw weak ki attacks.

Bulma: Don't say that! You are strong. Just as strong as anybody else.

Bra: How can I believe you? You're my mother, you're supposed to say that.

(Scene opens at Dende's Lookout. Vegeta and Goku are there trying to get the latest info, on what had happend while they were gone. What they heard astonished them.)

Vegeta: You're kidding! So Green Bean finally did something worthwhile.

Dende: Vegeta, I just want you to know that you drove him to it.

Vegeta: WHAT?! I had nothing to do with this!

Goku: Yes you did. When you broke up with him, he was saddened. What made it worse was that you two didn't even remain friends! He was heartbroken, so he wanted to prove that he could go on without you.

Vegeta: (getting angry) I thought I told you not to mention that ever again.

Dende: I'm sorry Vegeta, but Goku speaks the truth.

Vegeta: (outloud, but more to himself) So I drove him to it? So I drove him to.... (he blasts off toward the Capsule Corp. in a hurry. Goku starts to go off after him, but Dende stops him.)

Dende: Let him go. He needs to work this out on his own.

{Back to Bra's story}

Older Bra: Soon I discovered that I just wasn't cut out to be a fighter...


Piccolo: Why did you stop?

Bra: (sitting down on the ground) I can't do this.

Piccolo: What did you just say?

Bra: I said that I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'm no good at this stuff. I realize that this is NOT a way to gain power for me. Maybe I can get it another way.... (turning to Piccolo) Thank you for teaching me those things. I really can use them. I'm sorry if I wasted your time.


Piccolo: What I was trying to tell you that day was that you were good! You have excellent potential. Just enough to be a fighter!

Older Bra: Gomen Piccolo-san, but that just wasn't my calling. I looked everywhere for practically forever until finally I was ready to give up...


(Scene opens with Bra wandering through Satan City. She accidentally walks into an ally and gets mugged at gunpoint.)

Man #1: Give me all of your money!

(Bra had had it. She just wanted to be alone, in peace.)

Bra: How dare you do this to me?! (she elbowed the man in his ribs, turned around and tripped him. As he fell onto his back, she charged up a ki attack...)

Man #1: Please don't kill me!

(Bra reconsidered and paused.)

Man #2: (coming up to them) You are perfect!

Bra: (confused) What?

Man #2: Sorry, let me introduce myself. I am James, the Clan Leader of the Western Capital.

Bra: Wow! You're from the--

Man #2: Don't say the "M" word! I am from the Satan City Circle. The man you hurt is Franklin, he's one of my incompetent people.

Franklin: Sorry sir! (turning to Bra) Sorry miss!

Bra: No problem.

James: As I was saying, you are perfect for the job of Leader of the Satan Circle and Head Clan Member of the Central Capital. You can fight and you can shoot the beams and stuff. You're more dangerous than anyone here!

Bra: Oh I almost forgot! My name's Bra, Bra Briefs.

James: Are you--

Bra: Yes I'm related to Bulma Briefs, the head of the Capsule Corporation.

James: Really? Anyway, Are you free to do the job?

Bra: (trying not to be embarressed) Yeah sure!


Older Bra: That's how I became a Clan Member. It's quite simple how I became an ally to Piccolo-sama. If you just--

(She was interrupted by the door. The people who could sense ki were so distracted by Bra's story that they didn't notice these two distinct ones... {Goku let him cool off then teleported there})

Gohan and Goten: 'Tousan!

ChiChi: Goku!

Bulma: Vegeta!

Trunks: (unenthusiastically) Papa.

Bra: EXCUSE ME! BUT I'M TRYING TO TELL A STORY HERE! (everyone looks her way) Thank you.

Goku: (whispering) Why is she tied down?

Gohan: (whispering back) Long story.

Bra: Anyway, I had found the answer to what I was looking for. I had a powerful position and I was admired by many people. I worked for Picccolo-san only because I felt I owed him something and the ruling of countries was too good to pass up. I needed love somewhere and that was the only place I could find it. Niichan was always off with Goten-niichan, 'Tousan never showed emotion, not even to me, and besides, he was always off sparring with Goku-san. 'Kaasan always had a project going on. (shook her head sadly, or at least tried to.) I have a favor to ask you all? Can you please untie me?

Vegeta: Sure. Why not? (he walks over and undo's the knots)

Bulma: (going over to her and hugging her) We always loved you Bra. I know we don't show it much, but we do. (she glares at Vegeta who hugs Bra too)

Vegeta: Yes I, uh, love you as well.

(Goku starts to sniff.)

Goku: That is soooo beautiful! Group hug! (he goes over to them and puts his arm around Bulma and Vegeta and squeezes)

Bulma: (gasping) I can't breath!

Bra: Likewise.

Vegeta: KAKAROTT! Do not touch me!

Piccolo: (pounding on the glass) Can someone let me out?

Bulma: (now out of Goku's hug) Not on your life.

Piccolo: (sadly) Well, it was good to hope...

THE END (of the second section)

Note #2: I hoped you liked it and I'm sure it was longer than any other episode I have ever typed. Now you know what time it is, comment, comment, comment!