Disclaimer: How many times do I have to say this? I don't own 'em so there!

{ } = author inserts (if any)

Once Upon a Dragon Ball: Section 2, Episode 15

Last time on Once Upon a Dragon Ball:

-Piccolo and Bra joined forces

-The evil author left a clifhanger in the middle of Trunks' sentence

-Bulma is about to undergo therapy

(Scene opens in Pan and Trunks' living room and everyone is pretty much the same way they were before I cut it off.)

Trunks: I want to be called T-Man.

Pan: T-Man?? Okay...

Trilkia: No offense Daddy, but can't you do better than that? How about just plain, son?

(Trunks think about that for a minute)

Trunks: You know what? That's good! (he grabs Trilkia in a huge hug) Thanks sweetheart!

Trilkia: (giggling) No problem.

Trunks: I'll go and tell him right away! (he runs outside and takes to the air)

Pan: I can't believe it was that simple.

(Scene opens in Bra's office and her four main clan leaders of the capitals are with her)

Bra: This is an opportunity that we can not pass up. We have been given a once-in-a-life-time chance. Please direct your attention to the video screen behind me and listen to what Piccolo-san has to say.

(She presses a button on a remote and Piccolo's image pops up onto the monitor)

Piccolo: Thank you Bra. Attention fellow minions, this is the deal. I want you to go and study those pesky earth warriors' tactics. You will have devices that tell exactly how they perform them and how much energy used to do so. Bra, you are the daughter of Bulma Briefs so I expect you to have inherited her genius too. I want you to build a device that can do any attack that you input into it. It should be a sort of ray.

Bra: Yes sir, Piccolo-san!

Piccolo: I want all of you to come to my office at 13:00 hundred hours tomorrow. (he pushed a button and ended the transmission)

Bra: You heard him everyone. Now follow me to the jet so you can get your devices.

(They all file out with Bra in the lead.)

(Scene opens at the Capsule Corp. Bulma is tied down onto the bed and Vegeta is sitting in a chair beside her.)

Vegeta: It'll be okay, Bulma dear. I'll get you the help you so desperately need.

(The door opens and Trunks comes in. He's a little surprised to see him 'kaasan like that, but he soons get used to it. This is Bulma and Vegeta we're talking about here.)

Trunks: I know what I want to be called 'tousan.

Vegeta: (distracted) Uh huh.

Trunks: What do you mean 'uh huh'?

(Vegeta did say anything. He was still fawning over Bulma.)

Trunks: Hello? (Trunks got the nerve to do something that might cost him a limb....or his life. He walked over to Vegeta and rapped on his head with his knuckles while saying:) Is anybody home?

(Vegeta didn't bat an eye so Trunks got daring)

Trunks: Can I have 600 zenni?

Vegeta: Sure.

(Trunks gets his father's credit card from his wallet)

Trunks: I'll just go to an ATM and withdraw the money. (He walks to the door and starts to open it, but was stopped when Vegeta jumped up, ran over, and closed the door.) What?!

Vegeta: What made you think I was going to let you spend 600 of my hard earned zenni?

Trunks: Wait a minute. For one, you don't even have a job! This is 'kaasan's money!

Vegeta: Oh. That's right. Go ahead then son.

Trunks: (starts to leave then realize's what he just said) Oh 'tousan! This is sooo great! (he hugs him) I love you! You finally acknowledged me as your son!

Vegeta: Get off me brat!

Trunks: (sighing) Well, it was good for a while.

(Scene opens in Piccolo's office. He, Bra and the four clan members of the capitals are about to broadcast a transmission world-wide.)

Piccolo: (pushing the button that makes his broadcast interrupt every channel on the planet. Therefore, it has to be translated into several hundred languages, even little known ones. Thanks to Bra's intelligence.)Attention people of the world, I have an announcement to make. Bow down before me or suffer the consequences. Total submission is all that I ask. If your country agrees, I will then go over my terms. Decide to rebel and I will crush you like a bug! Mwhahahaha! So accept me, Piccolo, as your lord and master!

Is Trunks going to ever get his wish? What will happen to the world if Bra can make that ray? Will the world ever be the same? Stay tuned to the next exciting episode of Once Upon a Dragon Ball!