Disclaimer: You know, I know, Akira Toriyama knows, Bird Studios know, etc. that I DO NOT own Dragon Ball Z! Must I say that every time?

Note #1: Once Upon a Dragon Ball is back! After a long long break (so I could work on other things) it's finally going to be typed again! But just to warn you, I'll probably do the same thing as before. Write 10 episodes plus some special editions and stop for a while. I don't know, but I do know this: the point where I do stop, I will not leave you hanging. It'll have an air of finality like episode 10.

Note #2: The ideas for the episodes aren't mine unless I say so. So far all the idea credit goes to kukyuforever@hotmail.com.

Once Upon a Dragon Ball: Section 2, Episode 11

Okay, here's the Episodes 1-10 + interlude quick, quick recap:

-Krillin was a super hero, but decided to quit and he's bald in my story!

-Goku is a international secret agent and is currently terrified of ChiChi because of spousal abuse.

-Trunks and Pan are married and have a total of 9 children. (by the way, I'm going to focus on them some time soon :) )

-Bulma was pregnant with Goku's child until she got an abortion.

-Vegeta and Piccolo are lovers

-Bra is an ex-con and a very evil person

-Yamcha, Tien, and Choutzu don't really serve a purpose (well, I guess not yet anyway)

-ChiChi went postal and turned demonic, but luckily changed back into normal

-They all had a refreshing session of electro-shock therapy that cast Satan City into darkness for several hours.

-Vegeta was just acting plain pathetic

(I think that's all)

(the scene opens in a very nicely decorated office. Bra is sitting in a leather swivel chair behind a large desk. There are four others in the room with her, two on each side, all paying rapt attention to her words...)

Bra: Boys, as head of the five clans of the Satan City Circle, we need to be gaining more income from our various charges. (all the men nod in unison. she stands and the men stand too) I want you to do your best to gather money any way you can. Capiche? {I know it's spelled wrong} (the four men all started to walk towards the door) And one more thing! Don't you all dare forget the annual Circle Bar-b-que and picnic! Bring your families. (there were scattered grunts for replies) Miss it and it will be your last. (the door closed. Bra sat back down in her seat. she pressed a button on the intercom) Mr. Wallace? Can you please call the the catering service in Rome, Italy. You know the one. My 'kaasan wants to cook for the 'que and that could get a little ugly. You know how it is. (she pressed the end button) I am so glad that Don Perrino owes me a favor!

(scene changes to the Capsule Corporation where Bulma is in the kitchen)

Bulma: A dash of salt, a pinch of garlic, a cup of lemon juice. What? A cup of champaign? Okay...(she pours it in, spilling most of it on the burners i.e. instant raging fire) Don't panic Bulma, don't panic. I'll just put it out. (she ran to the sink and grabbed a pot, filling it with cold water (it was then that she noticed her apron was on fire too) Now it's time to panic! AHHHHHH! (she ran over to the stove and poured the pot on the fire, then she stopped, dropped, and rolled to put the fire out that was on her body. Vegeta came in about this time too)

Vegeta: (looking at Bulma) Ah, you've been cooking again I see.

Bulma: Just shut up and help me!

(he walks over and helps her up. the former raging fire is now a series of mini fires which were doused easily)

Vegeta: One good thing can come out of this.

Bulma: (snapping) And what is that?

Vegeta: You give us good fire safety practice. We can now each put out a blaze in out sleep and it's all thanks to you!

Bulma: (slapping him) And one good thing has came out of you saying that.

Vegeta: (suddenly nervous) And what is that?

Bulma: I won't have to worry about your snoring and your hogging of the covers tonight or any night this week because you are SLEEPING ON THE COUCH MISTER! (she stomps out angrily)

Vegeta: (speaking to a passing robot) You see what I get for telling the truth? Nothing!

(the robot just shrugs and continues on its way)

(scene opens at the Son house Goku is eating {when is he not?})

::beep:: ::beep:: ::beep::

(Goku sighs heavily)

Goku: Great! (he rolls his eyes and puts down his fork) It's that damn president of the US again. He calls me more than even Sadam Hussein! (he wearily pushes the connect button) Yes, Mr. President.

Bill: Yeah, Goku? I have an assignment for you. I need you to go to the United Kingdom and hand deliever a message to Queenie for me.

Goku: (to himself) Great! Another one of his ho's. (out loud) Right away Mr. President. I'll be there a.s.a.p.! (Goku pushes off) Damn stupid Bill always ruining my meals! (He got up and tip-toed towards the backdoor. As he turned the doorknob he heard ChiChi's voice call out)

ChiChi: Goku! Where are you going now?!

(She marched into the room, hands on hips)

Goku: Uh, I'm going to the super market!

ChiChi: Since when did you do that? You thought food in the fridge was automatically restored once it was empty! Try again.

Goku: I'm going to buy you a present.

ChiChi: You can't count money right and besides, you forget every special day: holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. and you never buy stuff just because. Try again.

Goku: I need more orange gi's!

(ChiChi walked over to the hall closet and opened it, revealing about 25 gi's on hangars. She raised an eyebrow.)

Goku: (clearly defeated) Okay, I'll tell you the truth. I'm an international spy. (to himself) That's so farfetch'd, she'll think I'm lying! Good job, Goku!

ChiChi: I know you're not lying, that's really the truth. (Goku's mouth dropped open) It's too wild to be a lie.

Goku: Don't tell anyone, okay? I have to go assist the president of the US now, be back soon!

(Goku flew away at top speed)

(ChiChi's turned to go back into the house when she remembered something)

ChiChi: (calling after him) Goku you baka! You can teleport, duh!

(At the White House, Washington D.C.)

man: Are you sure your plan to seize the position is going to work sir?

harsh voice: Of course it'll work, it's brilliant! (muttering) I'll prove to that midget that I can and will survive on my own just fine.

man: You say something sir?

harsh voice: (ignoring him) I, Piccolo, will soon rule all of the United States and soon the World! Mwhahahahahaha!

Has Piccolo finally lost it? What's with the five clans and the Satan City Circle? Will Bulma ever realize that cooking is not her forté and give it up before her whole family goes up in flames, literally. Stay tuned to the next exciting episode of Once Upon a Dragon Ball!