The New Age Empire v1

Disclaimer: The usual.

I got the inspiration to write this from Cherine's "The Rebirth of an Empire" series. It's nothing like hers so don't even think that. Character bios will be written accordingly.

Warning: Completely AR (alternate reality). I just ignore everything from right before Goku's death in the Android Saga on so it doesn't really qualify for alternate universe. Possibly OOC Vegeta.

Ages: In all of my fics, Trunks is always 12 years older than Bra, 14 years older than Pan, and 1 year older than Goten & I have good reason to believe that those age differences are correct. I also think that ChiChi is only 14 years older than Gohan, a year younger than Goku, and several years younger than both Bulma and Vegeta and Gohan and Videl were both 22 when Pan was born. Right now, Bra is 12, Trunks is 24, Goten is 23, and Pan is 10. You do the math for their parents' ages.

The New Age Empire
Book #1

~New Character Bios: Set Number One~

Vegeta Briefs Jr. (or V.J.)

Age: 20
Height: 5'7 1/2
Weight: 175lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Description: He's got Vegeta's hair style in Bulma's color which makes him look a little weird. His facial features are more like Bulma's than his father's so they wonder why Veggie named him that. He is a martial artist just like everyone in his family except Jakina and Bulma but his little sis is too small to express much of an interest.
Hobbies: Playing video games, annoying his little sisters, hanging with Trunks and Goten, dating Marron.

Jakina Briefs

Age: 9
Height: 4'5
Eye Color: Blue
Description: She has jet black hair in one of Bulmas styles from when she was a child. She loves to smile and have fun which makes Bulma wonder if she's going to be a partier when she gets older.
Hobbies: Playing with Pan and Bra & helping them both play tricks on the older two, being Vegeta's other favorite.

Son Mia

Age: 15
Height: 5'9
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Description: Mia's personality is much like Pan's. They both are extreme tomboys and love to fight right along side everyone else. Her latest goal is trying to reach super saiyan level 3. She looks more like her mother than her father.
Hobbies: Sparring with her older bro Goten, Trunks, and V.J., flying, and chatting on the internet.

Son Moura

Age: 12 months
Description: She is Gohan and Videl's second daughter. More on her later on in the fic.

~Chapter One: Hopes and Dreams~

"Have you noticed lately that Chikyuu seems a little... dull?" Bulma asked her mate as she folded the laundry one Saturday morning in their bedroom.

Vegeta snorted without even looking up. "What do you mean, onna? I'm this close to beating Kakarott! I know it!"

Bulma rolled her eyes. "No you're not and you know it." She finshed the last shirt and piled all of the clothes into the basket. "It's just that I'm not as young as I used to be so I can't go looking for adventure..." Then she paused. "Although living with you provides a new one everyday..." She glanced over to the desk in the corner. "What are you writing?"

"My last will and testament."

Her eyes grew wide as she absorbed his words. "NANI?!"

He looked up and the usual smirk graced his face. "I'm kidding."

"You are?" she asked incrediously. "I didn't even think you knew how!"

"There are many things that you do not know about me," he stood from his chair and walked over to her. "And I'm sure that you do not need to know."

Bulma gazed deeply into his eyes a moment before she answered him. "I would love to know your about your past." Then she looked at her watch. "Oh my! I've got to go pick up Jakina at school. Ja Veggie-chan!" She kissed him on the cheek and took off.

Vegeta held in his laughter as he counted down the seconds. "5, 4, 3, 2, and 1..."

Bulma came back in with a pissed expression on her face. "Vegeta! How come you didn't tell me it was Saturday?"

Vegeta looked directly into her eyes with an innocent expression. "You never asked."

"Were is she anyway?" Bulma said as she sat down.

Vegeta's lip curled in disgust. "Spending her time with that Kakarott's grandbrat."

"Oh Pan! Then Bra must be with them." She smiled suddenly and poked Vegeta in the chest. "You know you love Pan like a daughter. She already calls you Vegeta-ojisan!"

"So does Goten but that doesn't mean I like them any greater."

"Anyway," Bulma said slowly. "what were you going to say before I interrupted you?"

He sighed and started his tale.

"Years ago before I had even heard of this remote, pitiful excuse for a planet--"


"Fine! Anyway, I had a totally different life back on Vegeta-sei. Our government and people were ruthless and the women were not viewed as equals. They were our servants and child bearers. My own mother had vanished long ago and some of the servants had whispered that my father had killed her for defying his orders.

"As I grew, I developed a dream and when Vegeta-sei was destroyed it became even stronger. I wanted to be ruler of my own planet..."

"But Vegeta! You would have been once your father had died!"

"Onna, on Vegeta-sei becoming king is a lot harder than you think. You have to defeat the former ruler for that one. You have to prove your worth. But I was strong and already stronger than my own father at a young age and there was no doubt I would have been their leader.

"But I didn't want it. Not the way that it currently was."

"My mother was destroyed because of their ancient law and many other people were seperated for their famlies. You may not think so but it actually horrified me the way that they acted. I swore that my empire would not be governed in such a way.

"But then it happened. Frieza lashed out in fear and took a whole population with him. Thus snuffing the whole race of the saiyans right out of existence with a single blow."

"Taking my dream with him."

Bulma looked at him with sad eyes as he revealed all of this to her. But the short saiyan was not finished as his voice rose with conviction.

"A few years after I found out that it was he who had practically ruined my life, my determination grew again. My new goal would become reality no matter how many years it took. One, ten, or fifty I would rule supreme over the whole universe." He bowed his head in thought as he sorted everything out in his mind.

Bulma spoke softly, not wanting to break the mood. "Have you given up hope?"

Her husband raised his head and held it high. "Iie. It just has changed a bit. Now, instead of ruling by myself, I will do it with you and my children by my side. That thought alone gives me enough strength to dream anew."

"Oh Vegeta!" Bulma practically swooned. She leaned in to kiss him just as the door banged open.

"MAMA!!" little Jakina shouted. "Bra is holding my doll hostage!"

"No I'm not! It was Pan's idea!"

Big, fat tears were slowly trickling down Jakina's face. "I want my doll!"

"BRA!!" Vegeta and Bulma shouted in unison. "PAN!! Give it back to her!"

"Aw Vegeta-ojisan! Bulma-obasan! I didn't do anything!" Both she and Bra filed into their large bedroom, heads hung.

Bulma sighed tiredly as she tried to solve the crisis.

"Onna! It was your idea to have so many damned kids!"

"Pan isn't ours! And you played a large role in this too!"

"She's over here enough!"

As the two began to bicker, the three young ones slowly snuck out of the room.

Trunks and Vegeta Jr. were coming down the hallway apparently in a heated argument and wanted their parents' opinion.

"Hey!" Bra said as they passed them. "You do *not* wanna go in there right now."

"And why not?" Trunks asked.

"Jakina set them off. This fight might last a while."

V.J. sighed. "What is it about this time?"

Pan rolled her eyes. "What else? Veggie-ojisan complains that he and Bulma-obasan have too many children..."

"...And then Papa says that you're over here so much that it's like you live here." Trunks finished. "Yeah, I know." Then they all noticed that the shouting had died off.

"I think that's a new record! They were only at it for 3 minutes!" Bra said in awe.

Trunks marched right up to their bedroom door and opened it a crack. Closing it quickly, he spun around to face everyone, a faint blush apparent on his cheeks.

"What are they doin' in there, Trunks?" Jakina asked innocently.

"You're too young to know!"



Dinner was always a rather insane event. Besides the fact that enough food was on the table to feed an entire third world country, it was actually trying to get it in the first place that reminded Bulma significantly of the jungle. "That's mine you jerk!" Bra shouted as Trunks grabbed the last chicken leg.

"I got it first!"


Vegeta calmly raised an eyebrow, took the chicken leg from Trunks, and ate it himself. "There. Problem solved."

"PAPA!!" Trunks and Bra both shouted.

Bulma and Jakina had long ago retreated to the safety of the living room with some food that Bulma had saved.

"Mama, what were you and Papa doin' earlier. Trunks said that I was 'too young to know' but I really, really wanna!"

Bulma's eyes widened as she spoke. "Well honey, it's one of those things that you really *don't* need to know yet. Can you ask me again in a few years?"

Jakina narrowed her eyes. "How many?"

"Uh, let's say three."

"Okay." She stood, took her plate to the kitchen, and put it into the sink. "Papa," she said unexpectedly while walking toward him.

Vegeta looked down at his youngest with an unreadable expression on his face. "Nani?"

"Can you train me now? I think I'm ready."

This was definitely not what he expected. But it made him happy anyway, even though he would never show it. "Well sure. But first, ask your brothers and sister how their training was. If you still want to, I'll be waiting." He stood and started to leave.

"Hold it right there!" Bulma snuck up on him as silent as a cat and grabbed one ear. "It's your turn to wash the dishes."

"Onna unhand me!"

The kids all tried to sneak away when Bulma stopped them with just a gesture of her hand. "Bra, homework; Trunks, paperwork; Pan, go home; V.J. take out the trash; and Jakina I want to talk to you." She released Vegeta and gently steered him in the direction of the sink. "Move it shorty!"

She took Jakina by the hand and led her to the living room where she sat on the sofa, patting a seat beside her. "What made you want to train with your father?"

Jakina looked up solemly to her mother and spoke. "Well, Pan, Bra, Trunks, and everyone like it so much I was going to try it."

"Is that your only reason?"

"Iie...," She fell silent for a moment. "I don't want to be weak all of my life. You see how Trunks and V.J. always pick on me..." She looked up. "Is that bad?"

Bulma gathered her up into a hug. "No, it's not. It's just your saiyan blood talking. Now go talk to your siblings about their experiences and remember, don't let Trunks' scare you."

Jakina's eyes widened noticeably as she nodded her head. "Okay. Bye Mama!" She skipped off toward the stairs.

Bulma rose to her feet rather wearily and yawned. "Wow. I think I'm getting too old for this."

Then Jakina came rushing by holding a notebook, Bra was right after her waving her fist.

"Give me back my homework if you know what's good for ya!"

Bulma just sighed at their passing. "I know I'm getting too old for this." she said before she took off after them.

~Chapter Two: The Artificial Fountain of Youth~

"Kakarott," Vegeta panted as their daily sparring session came to an end, "do you ever get tired of doing the same thing over and over again?"

"Well," Goku mused too tired to even correct Vegeta on the topic of his name, "not really. I mean, why should I? I've got you to spar with, Mia to train, ChiChi to calm down, and Pan, Jakina, and Bra to play with!" He grinned at that and sat up.

"Play?" Vegeta asked a little hesitantly.

"Sure! I'm the only adult that spends time with them on their level. It's only natural that they've gotten close to me."

Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "Kakarott, did I hit you too hard today?"

Goku got to his feet and looked puzzled. "Iie. Why do you ask?"

"Because you're analyzing this conversation you know. Since when did you become a child psychologist?"

Goku grinned hugely and laughed. "ChiChi is making me read the Complete Idiot's Guide to Children. Although now that I think about it, that *is* sort of an insult."

Then a beeping noise emitted from the watch on Goku's wrist.

"Oh darn. I told Gohan and Videl that I would babysit for them."

"They're entrusting you with their children? I thought Gohan was the smart one in your family!"

"Ha, ha, ha," Goku said sarcastically. "You know Veggie, you've gotten pretty nice after all these years. Ja ne!" Then, teleporting, he disappeared.

"Stupid Kakarott," Vegeta grumbled. "He doesn't know what he's talking about." Vegeta sat on a large rock and looked up at the sky. "Am I the only one who feels bored with my life besides Bulma?"


Bulma was in her laboratory working on her latest project.

This one was a secret from everyone, even Vegeta. Actually the blue-haired woman wondered how she ever kept it a secret from him for this long. He could usually sense when she was hiding something.

She had talked it over with several people including ChiChi, Videl, and Juuhachi-gou but none of them knew that she was completely serious about doing it.

Typing a few more equations and formulas into her computer, she was finally ready to mix up the real thing. If it worked, not only would she be happier, she had no doubt that she would win a Nobel prize.

Only time could tell.

But now it was time to finish for the day. Bulma was so close to completion that she was sorely tempted to stay a few hours more and beta test her concoction.

"Papa!" a voice shrieked in the distance.

Yet her family did not seem to want to allow her.

Bulma glanced briefly at the digital clock next to her terminal and noted that it was almost six.

Standing without hesitation she walked over to her large lab table.

"They can wait a little longer."


"Does anyone here know how to cook?" V.J. asked after everyone had gathered in the kitched at the normal eating hour.

There was a lot of head shaking and one snort.

"That's woman work," Vegeta said scornfully.

"Well," Mia huffed. She was over there that day to spar. "I was going to help you idiots out but sense you want to big so pigheaded, you can feed yourselves."

"Wait Mia!" Trunks cried. "Don't listen to Papa. We can just go get pizza."

"Niichan, listen to what you just said," Bra countered. "There are six people here with saiyan blood. That's not the wisest course of action."

"Konichi-wa!" a cheerful voice spoke from the direction of the front door. "Anybody here? I brought the kids!"

Bra sighed. "Make that nine counting Goku-ojisan."

"Dont' worry about it everyone!" Goku said brightly. "I'll cook!"

"Uh Tousan," Mia said slowly. "Do you think that's a good idea? I mean, shouldn't I tell the firefighters to be on standby?"

"That's not necessary at all. I've watched ChiChi do this a hundred time. Besides, if everyone helps is should be okay."

"Fine," she gave in.

"Veggie-chan, I need some rice. You do know how to follow directions don't you?"

"Of course Kakarott!" Vegeta stomped over to the cupoard and got what he requested.

"Mia, open about 6 cans of corn as well as 6 cans of green beans. You know how your Kaasan does it, don't you?"


"Bra, I need you and V.J. to make chocolate chip cookies. Pan, you can lick the spoon."

"Sugoi!" she squealed.

"Trunks, hmm. What can you do?" Then he smelt it. "Little Moura needs a diaper change."

"Do I have to?" Grumbling, he picked her up out of her stroller and took her upstairs.

"Jakina, help your brother and sister."

Within 20 minutes everyone had quite a good meal in progress.

"Vegeta!" Goku said loudly. "The rice is sticking! Add more water to it!"

"Mine's done!" Mia said proudly as she put the lids back onto the pots. "What about your cookies B-chan?"

"They're done too!" She and Trunks were just placing the last few onto a plate.

"My fried chicken was done a long time ago. We're just waiting on Vegeta."

"Quiet! How can I work with all of this noise?!" He delicately poured more water into the pot and began to stir. Then Bulma made her entrance.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked, shocked. Bra and V.J. both had tons of flour on them and someone it got onto Vegeta and Mia, Goku was looking proudly at his students, and Vegeta was still stirring the rice.

"We're making dinner!" Jakina said while wiping a hand across her cheek, smudging the flour already there.

"That's so nice! I have a surprise for everyone."

That was when Vegeta looked up. "Bulma, what happened to you?!"

She smiled brightly and twirled in a circle. "You like? I invented it. It's called Rejuvenator 5000."

"But you're-you're--"

"Young!" Jakina said cheerfully.

"Yep! Well, what is everyone staring at?" She flashed them a smile. "Let's eat!"


"Are you sure this stuff really works?" ChiChi asked as she looked at the pale blue liquid in the glass vial. She, Videl, and Juuhachi-gou were all in Bulma's lab literally minutes after she had called them with the news the next day. But the trio was pretty skeptical.

"Of course it does! Look at me!" She spun around again for the third time. "It literally knocks years from your body. You not only look good but feel good as well."

ChiChi got this hopeful look on her face. "Is there some for me? Please tell me there's some for me!"

Bulma produced a small vial and handed it to her. "You know, I should charge you for this."

"How much would you?" Juuhachi-gou said for the first time that day.

The scientist thought for a moment. "Seeing as this stuff cost me around five thousand american dollars in chemicals per dosage alone..."

ChiChi instantly blanched. "That's almost five hundred forty thousand yen!"

"I would charge around one thousand american dollars a bottle."

"One-one-one hundred and eight thousand yen a bottle! Good kami that's a lot of money!" Videl gasped.

"It's not like you need some anyway," ChiChi snapped. "You're still under 40!"

"Ladies, ladies please. You don't have to pay at all since I've haven't even gotten a patent on it."

"Great!" ChiChi uncaped the vial and drunk it all in one gulp. The change was almost instantaneous. The woman smiled with happiness that she hadn't felt in years. "Oh wow! I love this stuff!"

Juuhachi-gou's eyes lit up as she held out a hand. "I want one too you know. Won't Krillin and Marron be surprised!"

Bulma smiled at her success and spoke in a nonchalant tone. "I'm working on another project...."

"Hai?" Videl said quietly. "What is it?"

"How would you like to feel strong and healty for a long time to come *without* taking medication or using a wish from the Dragonballs?"

"What do you mean?" ChiChi questioned.

"Videl and ChiChi, you know how our husbands and children will age incredibly slow? What if I came up with a way to harness that energy and turn it into a solution..."

"Would we have saiyan properties like the incredible hunger and the fighting urge?" Videl asked.

"Well, hai. Saiyans tend to burn a lot of energy therefore needing more food consumption to counteract that natural process. You would be strong like they are and age just as slowly!"

"How did you come up with the idea?" Juu-chan asked.

"Well, Vegeta actually gave it to me. One night I just asked him some questions and I learned all of this."

"When you come up with the other stuff tell me!" ChiChi said enthusiastically.

"I will! I will!"


"Bulma!" Vegeta shouted as he came into the house after a long day of sparring and training.

"I'm in here!" she shouted back. She laughed at one of Bart Simpson's many "Eat my shorts!" as Vegeta came in and sat next to her; very serious and focused.

"I have something to say."

She nervously shut off the television and turned to face him. "Wait, don't tell me. You're leaving me, aren't you?"

Vegeta opened his mouth and she cut him off.

"I knew it! You knock me up four times and then she just toss me away like a rag doll. Well Vegeta, I'm not going out like this!"

Vegeta opened his mouth again and she did the same thing as before.

"You're not getting off that easily! I still have two kids under eighteen. That means you're paying child support buddy!"

"Bulma, you're a billionaire! Why would I have to give you money?" Then he shook his head. "That's not what I wanted to talk to you about!"

The genius blinked. "Really? Gomen nasai, continue."

The short saiyan rolled his eyes and then looked to the door. "Either you're in or you're out. Pick one."

"Wha...?" Bulma said as several children filed in a sat down. They all looked somber but Bra and Jakina were especially sad.

"Are you leaving Papa?" Bra asked tearfully.

"I don't want you to go!" Jakina wailed as she attached herself to his left leg, Bra to the right one.

"Now hold on!" he said loudly but no one listened. "See what you have these kids thinking onna?"

"Just tell us what the hell you're talking about!"

"Yeah!" Trunks added.

"Fine. All I wanted to say was that I'm ready to finally realize my dream." This received quizzical looks from his offspring.

"What dream Papa?" V.J. asked.

Bulma gasped in shock and then hugged him around the neck. "That's wonderful Veggie-chan!"

"Can someone clue us in please?" Trunks asked. "I'm feeling a little.... lost."

So Veggie informed them of the whole conversation and needless to say that the children were more than a little happy.

"Oh wow! Princess Bra!" the girl said happily.

"Wait a minute! I have to build my empire yet but you can all help."

"Goody!" Jakina shouted. "Let's go pick wallpaper for the palace!"

As everyone began to talk about their status, the deisgn of the palace, and other things Vegeta looked around at his family in satisfaction.

'Yes,' he thought. 'This was what I was missing all along.'

~Chapter Three: Meetings and Mayhem~

"Everyone up!" Bulma yelled as she walked down the hallway banging a metal spoon on a pot. "Time to get up!" There was grunting and moaning all around. Complaining was also high on everyone's list today.

"Kaasan!" Trunks' voice was muffled into his pillow. "It's not even daylight outside!"

"We have a plane to catch. All of the company jets are being upgraded so we need to get to the airport! Besides," their mother added, "you do know how long it's going to take you guys, right?"

And so, with much whining and and shuffling, her children dragged themselves out of bed and to the shower. Then the arguments began.

"I called it first Bra!" Jakina screamed as Bra locked the door to their ajoining bathroom.

"Too bad! I won't be long!"

"Trunks, you can comb your stupid hair in your own room!" V.J. shouted. "Their won't be any girls there to impress anyway!"

His older brother snorted. "That just proves how much you know."

Bulma sighed and tried to fix things as best she could. "Trunks, go to your own room. Jakina, use our shower." Then she noticed that she hadn't seen her husband since she got up. "Vegeta! Where are you?"


Eventually everyone was dressed and ready. Trunks and Vegeta Jr. had vehemently opposed wearing suits so they had on just slacks and polo shirts and Bra had likewise opposed to wearing a dress so she just had on a pants outfit. Jakina was the only one who went all out with a frilly, lacy bright blue dress. She looked like a doll from the matching bows in her hair to the matching socks and black dress shoes. Bra knew Pan would say that she was making her sick by just looking at her and Bra would agree.

The children all filed down the stairs in a single straight line, from oldest to youngest of course, and Bulma could have swore she was having a Brady Bunch moment. Two children more and she probably would be.

Making their way into the kitchen, they were amazed to see that their parents were already there calmly sipping coffee.

"Have a seat," Bulma said casually.

"Why did you wear those things?" Vegeta asked. He sat there in a pair of blue jeans and his infamous Bad Man tee-shirt. Bulma was similarly dressed in jeans and a shirt that had an arrow pointing to the left that said "I'm with shorty!" in bold letters above it. She just smirked and rose to get their breakfasts.

"We weren't supposed to?" Bra asked.

"Heavens no!" Bulma laughed. "We're not going to the meeting until tomorrow. I'm sure that you're all packed too?"

"Well yes..."

"Then go right back upstairs and put on some normal clothes," Vegeta pointing a finger in the direction of the stairway. "Put those into your suitcases."

"Hai Papa," they all mumbled while throwing murderous glances at Bulma when her back was turned.


By the time they had all ironed and changed their clothes and got some food they were almost late to catch their flight in Tokyo.

"Move it! Move it!" Bulma shouted as she encapsulated the car. "We've got ten minutes to get to the gate!" Bulma ran up to the desk and asked the woman behind it where their plane was.

"The plane headed for JFK airport in Jamaica, New York is leaving from gate 22-A."

Bulma gasped. "22-A! That's on the other side of the airport! Oh kami."

"Onna, we can make it." He grabbed onto Bulma's waist and took off running using his full saiyan speed, "Hold on!"

Trunks grabbed on the Jakina and their children did the same.


"I wonder where they are!" ChiChi grumbled as she paced the length of floor before the window. "I can't believe they're about to miss the flight!"

"Believe it Kaasan," Mia laughed. "They're all probably still asleep!"

"No they aren't," Goku suddenly spoke up. "They're coming."

All present looked up and about them.

"Where?" Videl asked. "I don't see them."

"They'll be here in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." Gohan muttered, distractedly. He was trying to stop Moura from crying. Then a large gust of wind moved by them and the entire Briefs family came to a halt.

"So nice of you to join us!" ChiChi said sarcastically. "And with nine minutes to spare as well."

"Shove it, onna," Vegeta grunted as he set Bulma back onto her feet. "It was those damn kids' fault!"


The next day and all of the following week was spent in deep discussion with the current world leaders at the UN in New York City. They were dubious about letting some unknown stranger rule them but all agreed that something must be done about Chikyuu's current standing in world peace. A united nation might not be so bad after all...

Both Vegeta and Bulma had turned out in their best clothes. Veggie in a black suit and Bulma in a dove gray business suit. She also carried a briefcase full of the documents needed to sway everyone to their side.

"So you want a monarchy?" the queen of Great Britain spoke with distaste. "It hasn't worked for us so why do you want one?"

Vegeta cleared his throat. He had anticipated that one.

"Our form of government is only remotely similar to that of traditional monarchy. Actually, it greater resembles the United States' democracy. There will be two main rulers -- i.e. Bulma and I -- that have several lesser people to help make decisions. Sort of like the Senate.

"There will also be the position of Aide to the King which we do not have filled at this time..."

Bulma leaned over to whisper something in his ear. He glared at her for a moment before he gave in.

"Actually, my lovely wife has just reminded me of something." He was more than a little sarcastic. "One of the current saviors of the world, Kakarott--"

"Son Goku," Bulma interrupted.

"Son Goku," he repeated nastily, "will be in charge of the armed forces and my personal aide in this endeavor."

"And now, you're finished," Bulma whispered. "It's my turn."

She stood and proceeded to give a very elaborate presentation on the future goals of the science and space program; basically technology in general. Her speech lasted for about 2 hours and she finished with a statement that sold them all:

"Why fight amongst ourselves when we should be protecting the entire planet from hostile invaders from other worlds? If more people were avaible to fight over fifteen years ago, we would have had a better time of it. You should waste less time being jealous of other nations and more on combining resources to fight against outsiders. My idea is simple: Unity creates peace and peace in turn creates happiness. So how about giving our idea a try? Nothing else has worked yet."

She returned to her seat, satisfied, and the leaders of the world nations all began to clap wholeheartedly. One leader, from Russia, even had the audacity to stand and make a bold statement.

"She's good! Very good! How come she isn't the leader?"

That infamous vein on Vegeta's forehead immediately began to throb.


Meanwhile, in a small room off to the side of the main conference room, Bra and Co. watched the whole thing on a t.v. They all cheered when Bulma seemed to have made a point with them.

Goku, ChiChi, Videl, Goten, and Gohan were there as well. Since they were to have important roles in the new Empire, Bulma suggested that they come to see how the first steps went and so far Bulma and Vegeta were doing pretty well.

"Vegeta seems a bit angry...." Videl observed.

"When isn't Papa angry?" V.J. said, smirking.

Goku was grinning like the cat who had just caught the canary. "You hear that? I get to be Veggie's aide! Whoo hoo!"

"Goku be quiet!" ChiChi scolded. "They're speaking again..."

"Me?" Bulma pointed to herself. "The leader? Well I don't know..."

"Bulma, we agreed that there would be co-leaders, remember?" Vegeta forced out between clenched teeth.

"So we did! I decline. I could never do that to my husband. Besides, I'm more of a "behind the scenes" kind of girl."

A murmer broke out among the world leaders at *that* statement. Bulma gazed at them, confusedly, until she figured out what they were talking about.

"Iie you hentais! I didn't mean that way! I can help benefit this empire with the inventions that I create not public speaking, making laws, and things like that. I'm good for the little differences!"

"Good save," Gohan said while elbowing his youngest sibling awake. Mia jumped, startled, and then glared at him. "She calmed Vegeta down as well."

"They're going to be busy tonight," Trunks snickered. "And for a while since Kaasan is younger now."

"Nani?" Jakina said, puzzled.

"Nothing!" The other three kids said in unison.


"Well," the Queen of Great Britain said regally, "I think I've seen enough."

Bulma tensed in anticipation and her hand found Vegeta's underneath the table.

"So have I," the president of the United States also said. "The United States of America accepts your proposal."

"The island nation of Great Britain does as well. Congratulations on a job well done."

The room's noise level rose significantly as each country declared it's allegiance. A small, relieved smile made its way across Bulma's face as she hugged Vegeta in earnest.

"We did it! We can finally make your dream come true!"

Vegeta actually returned her gesture for a moment before he said something that made his mate's heart melt. "I couldn't have done it without you, Bulma. I couldn't have done it without you."


Notes so far: I had planned on this being individual chapters but I decided books would be better. I could have went into greater detail about how they earned everyone's approval but to me, that's not the point of this fic. (Besides, it would have been boring) The next book will indeed be longer so don't worry about that one. 50 something kb is rather short.