Disclaimer: Hmmm, a witty remark.... Aw, just insert your own!

Note: Do I have a note today? Let me see.... Nope! No note!

I may have forgotten to mention this, but Trunks is about 16 and sorry that Bra wasn't ever mentioned in this fanfic.

The Ginyu Force: Together Again
(Part 2: Captain Ginyu's Tae Bo Haven)

"It's coming on Kaasan! Everyone come in here, quick!" Trunks shouted a week later from the ressurrection escapade.

Vegeta and Bulma rushed in.

"Are you sure?" Bulma asked.


A few seconds later Ginyu and Co. appeared on the television screen. Jeice, Burter, Recoome, and Guldo were sitting on a park bench. Captain Ginyu came up to them and began to yell in their faces, spit flying everywhere.

"Hey weaklings!" Ginyu shouted. "Do you wanna be fit? Do you want to get all the women?"

The four "weaklings" nodded and wiped their faces with the backs of their hands.

Do you want to be unpopular, overweight, and sitting on your sofa every Friday night complaining how you can't get a date like this fool?"

They all shook their heads no and then a picture of Vegeta flashed across the screen. He was sitting on the couch, with a beer in his hand, and was, for some reason, fat. No, not fat. HUGE.

"Where the hell did he get that from? How did he get that in the first place?" the short saiyan yelled over his families' hysterical laughing.

Again the small group in the park shook their heads no.

"Well get off your lazy asses and come to..."

The scene changed to a nice building in downtown Satan City. About a mile from the Capsule Corp.

The whole Ginyu force shouted the last bit together. "CAPTAIN GINYU'S TAE BO HAVEN!!"

Now they were inside of the building. Ginyu spoke again. "With a little time, money, effort, money, did I mention money?... you can look just like this guy!"

There was Goku, grinning like an idiot, shirtless, and flexing his muscles.

"NANI?!" Vegeta raged. "How dare they make that baka of a third class soldier look good and insult me, the Prince of Vegeta-sei!!!"

Bulma and Trunks sweatdropped. "Oh here we go again," Bulma muttered.

"I will not stand for this!"

A grinning Ginyu came back onto camera. "So call 1-800-GO-GINYU! That's right, 1-800-GO-GINYU! All major credit cards accepted!"

Right before the commercial ended, a narrator's voice came on and it was speeded up.

"The fat picture may or may not have been computer enhanced. We are not at fault for any injuries you may receive and after the first week your money is non-refundable."

"Brat come on! We're reclaiming our honor!"

Trunks glared at him, or at least attempted to. "You mean your honor. I don't have anything to do with this."

"Fine then!" Vegeta ran *through* the front door. Then he stuck his head back in through the Vegeta-shaped hole he had created. "You know that you're paying for that remark when I get back, right?"

Trunks nodded, wincing at the pain that was to come.

"Good." He left.

"VEGETA! My door!" Bulma ran to the hole and screamed after him. "All hell is about to break loose. Trunks, you wanna see the show?"

"Hai Kaasan!"

"Good! Let's go!"


"All right! Our grand opening is in a few minutes so we have to be prepared. Let us meditate to get ready for the time that is to come."

The Force nodded and began to levitate in the air in a lotus position, eyes closed.

That was what Vegeta saw as he arrived at the Tae Bo Haven.

"Hey Ginyu!"

"Vegetable Head, we're a little busy at the moment."

"I don't care! What was the meaning of portraying me as you did?!"

Ginyu hopped down from the air. "You've never did anything for me, refused to help when I neded it, and you're just plain ugly." He glared down at him. "Does that answer your question?"

Vegeta shook with rage. Just as he lunged for the purple alien, the ground began to shake.

Jeice, Burter, Recoome, and Guldo all opened their eyes at the same time.

Vegeta looked around. "Either that's some elephants stampeding or someone called out free food when Kakarott was around."

Ginyu looked at the main glass doors. "It's neither. Look!"

There they were, about 200 girls outside the doors, all with pens and autograph books.

"What the hell...?" Vegeta trailed off.

Ginyu went to answer the door.

"HEY YOU!" One girl screamed. "Where's the cute guy in orange from you commercial?!"

"YEAH!" Another shouted. "I want his autograph!"

"That's not the only thing I want..." The group laughed and rushed at the door. Ginyu jumped aside and tried not to be trampled but it was no use. The teenyboppers stepped all over him, the spike heels of their shoes leaving puncture wounds.

They were a female tornado, sucking up everything in their path until they realized that their idol wasn't there.

"Where is he?" About 50 shouted.

"Wait a minute! Look at this cutie!" A redhead pointed at Vegeta. "We can take him, he's just as good!"

Vegeta's eyes widened and for the first time in his life, he felt frightened. He turned to run but it was too late. Soon there were females all over him, yanking his hair, feeling his muscles, grabbing his arms, glomping his legs, and pulling at *much* more if you get my meaning.

This was also about the time Bulma showed up.


"I, this, we, these," he stuttered. "BULMA! HELP ME!!!" Vegeta tried to squirm out of their grasp but there were just too many.

Trunks thought this was extremely amusing. Until the girls spotted him and since he looked older than he was, they used their "Bishounen Radar" and flew at him like Bishounen Seeking missles.

"OH MY GOD! KAASAN!" Trunks backed away.

"Run Trunks! Run far away!" Trunks took off into the air back to his home with the girls keeping chase all of the way.

A beatdown looking Vegeta was left behind.

He had scratch marks, bite marks, his hair was out of place and some of his spandex suit was missing for those who wanted sovenirs. Who knows how they got 'em, they just did.

"Woman, never let those people near me again!" And then he passed out.

Bulma looked at him with pity and then she gasped. "Oh my kami! Trunks!" She ran all the way to the Capsule Corp. thinking if they could do that to Vegeta.....

Ginyu and the Guys looked at each other. Then they looked at their ruined building.

"Back to the drawing board..." Ginyu said, sighing.

Now, this is the end of this little side story. There may be more, but I have no idea right now in my current situation of unfinished fanfics. Maybe one day, I can only have one I have to do at a time but that's just a dream right now. ::sigh::