Disclaimer: Me? Own Dragonball? Come on! And FUNimation makes quality dubs!

Note: Here is a long awaited side-story to Dragonball CG.

The Ginyu Force: Together Again

Boy I miss the guys! It's just not the same without them! Captain Ginyu thought to himself. Suddenly sappy music began to play and we see many flashbacks.


"Come on Archibald! Faster! Faster!" A Chibi Guldo cried on the swing at the playground.

"Guldo! I told you not to call me that!" Ginyu pushed him as fast as he could.

"Gomen Ginyu. This is fun!"


"We sure had some good times..."


The whole Ginyu force are on Frieza's ship scrubbing the bridge with toothbrushes.

"It's all your fault Recoome! I told you *not* to ask Frieza that!" Ginyu grumbles. Working at a tough spot of blood.

"You always told me to ask questions if I didn't know something!" Recoome pouted.

"Not that! You don't ask the future leader of the universe, 'Do you wear boxers, briefs, or panties'!"

Recoome spashed some water on him and Ginyu threw some back. A mini water fight starts between all five force members.


"Uh oh! It's Frieza! RUN!" They all stand and take off. Slipping and falling in the water all of the way."


"If only I could see the guys now..."


"Come on Jeice! It's not that bad! Just hold on to the side."

"No way! I might fall and ruin my beauty."

"Come - on!" Ginyu, Guldo, Berter, and Recoome all grabbed his arms and pulled him onto the ice. Then they pushed him forward. Jeice wobbled a bit and stopped.

"That wasn't so bad..." Jeice muttered. The rest of the members all formed a long chain with Jeice at the end and began to move around the skating rink. Jeice struggled to hold on and after a while he got the hang of moving. Then he hit a nick in the ice and stumbled foward, causing the famed domino effect.

"JEICE!" the Force went down in a heap of flailing arms and legs.

Jeice stood and held out his hand to Ginyu. "Oops?"


"Thats it!" Ginyu jumped to his feet in his capsule house outside Vegeta's. "I AM going to get them back!"