Duo Maxwell's Island: Episode 4

Duo scratched off another mark on a nearby palm tree. He had started marking off the days from the beginning saying that he wanted a least some form of civilization and that the calendar would do.

"How many days D-chan," Quatre asked from where he was leaning against Trowa on the sand.

Duo sighed and counted quickly. "14 days."

"Fourteen days...." Quatre trailed off. Then his eyes teared up and his lip began to tremble. "I don't wanna stay here any longer Tro-chan!" he wailed.

Trowa hugged him and tried to calm him down but the blond's sobs just got worse.

"I miss my houses, my violin, my bed!"

Trowa blushed slightly at that.

"I miss Rashid!" He calmed down and looked at Trowa. "And do you know what I miss most off all?"

"Yes Little One?"

"I miss playing duets with you," he said quietly.

Trowa sighed sofly and held him closer.

Duo smiled at the pair from his tree and looked at Heero.

"Hee-chan! Oh Hee-chan!"

"What is it Duo?" Spandex Boy growled.

"Do you wanna know what I miss?" he asked.

"No." But Duo told him anyway.

"I miss seeing how many ways I can make you squeal." Wufei, who was currently passing by at the moment, made a choking sound and clutched at his newly bleeding nose.

"K'so!" He ran off to wash it off.

Duo snickered as he plopped down onto Heero's lap. "By the way, how's Peacecrap and Freaky Eyebrows doing?"

A small smirk tugged at his koi's lips. "They've been quite...agreeable."

Muffled squeals and grunts were heard as the two blonds tried to free themselves from their bonds. Heero and Duo had tied them each to their own tree sometime ago and added gags as well.

"I think that it's time to feed them now," Heero continued.

"Dorothy didn't do anything wrong though!" Quatre cried.

Duo covered his eyes with one hand and pointed at the ocean. "Before you turn the 'look' on me, how about trying to find us a way off this stupid island!"

"He's right Little One," Trowa got to his feet and helped Quatre up as well. "We really need to leave."

The pair walked off toward the boat.

"Hey!" Duo called after them. "Stay away from the bushes today, alright? I wanna go home!"

First he moved to Dorothy and removed the sock that was stuck in her mouth. Dorothy started to spit and glared at him.

"Did I forget to wash that first?" Duo asked innocently. "Oh my!"

"Drop the act, Duo. When are you going to untie me?"

"Well, considering what Quatre said I guess I could let you go now...." He was rewarded with a hopeful look. "But you have to do something for me..."

"Anything!" she exclaimed.

"All right!" he sat down before her on the sand. "This is what you have to do..."


"How much more?" Dorothy grunted as she wrung the water out of one of Duo's black priest shirts. "He grinned hugely and pointed to four other piles.

"You still have Tro-chan's, Hee-chan's, Wu-chan's, and Quat-chan's laundry to do." He turned back to the path, pausing only for one moment to tell her something else. "Oh and Quatre wants his underwear extra white. The boy can spot dirt a mile away so it better be washed good!"

Dorothy growled and moved on to another pile. Duo smirked at her one last time and then continued.

"WUFEI! I'm hungry!"

Wufei's head snapped up from where he was sharpening his sword. He blushed a dark crimson and pointed further into the jungle.

"Don't come to me for that!" his eyes widened at the unintentional pun and he glared at the braided boy. "Yuy's further up the trail. I suggest you take him up on that offer."

Duo snorted and walked closer. "I need real food Wufei not--"

The chinese pilot cut him off with a shake of his head. "Please don't continue."

Duo rolled his eyes. "Anyway, go hunt something. You're the only one with a good weapon. We ran out of bullets two days ago because Hee-chan was using rats for target practice again."

"Maxwell, I am not your personal restaurant!"

The other boy pouted cutely and gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Please? Pretty please with Treize on top?"

A geyser of blood spurted from Wufei's nose almost immediately. "KISAMA!"

"You thought that we didn't know?" Duo asked, truly amazed. "How many times can one person worship Nataku, 'find themselves', and duel all in one week?" He sat on the rock next to his friend and leaned forward. "Was Zechs there too?"

Now Wufei had to use both hands to contain the blood. "MAXWELL!"

Duo just about fell of the boulder in his laughter. He held up his hands in a soothing gesture. "Okay I'll stop! I'll stop! I don't want you passing out from blood loss or anything."

The other boy answered by raising his newly honed blade and pointed it at his neck. Holding his head high he shreiked a phrase that had passed Heero's lips many times before.


Duo eeped once and was out of there like a bat out of hell.



"It's WuFEI!"

Heero looked up from where he was trying to piece together one of those shacks that they had started to build the first day. They never did get it to stay up for more than one night. Heero's Perfect Soldier training just did not cover construction.

He stood up and barely spared a glance at his koibito as he hid behind him.

"Wufei, put the katana down."

The chinese boy hesitated at his firmly spoken words but in the end, his pride won out. As always.

"Not until he apologizes to me."

"Duo," Heero's tone commanded an explanation, "what did you do to him?"

Duo whistled nonchalantly. "Why, whatever do you mean?"


"Okay! Okay! I just teased him about screwing Treize and he got a nosebleed."

"He's with General Khusrenada?" Quatre's head poked up from a large bush. He and Trowa were obviously going at it again.

"Yeah. I thought you guys knew! And I told you to stay away from those bushes!"

Wufei's glare became even fiercer, if possible. He waited impatiently for an apology Duo had no intention on giving him.

Heero smirked and whispered something to his koi. Duo responded almost at once by profusely apologizing to the fuming chinese boy and gathering his up in an affectionate hug. He then ran off down the path, checking to see how Dorothy was coming along.

Quatre's brow wrinkled in confusion as he processed the scene before him. "What in the world did Heero say to him?"

Trowa noticed and recognized the look on the japanese boy's face. He nodded in understanding and responded to the blond's question. "He just reminded Duo that he wanted to do the three S' tonight." At Quatre's questioning look, he continued. "Screwing, sucking, and sex in general."
