Disclaimer: Gilligan's Island is owned by whoever does own it (definitely not me) and Gundam Wing is owned by Sunrise (Is that right?).

Note: Gomen nasai minna-san if I get this thing wrong. I never actually saw the first episode of Gilligan's Island, but this is my fanfic after all so it should be different.

Warning: Shounen ai (1X2/2X1 + 3X4/4X3), Relena bashing, bad humor...

For the theme song of this fanfic, click here

Duo Maxwell's Island: Episode 1

Duo Maxwell helped the extrodinarily strong Heero Yuy push WingZERO to the beach. Or rather Heero pushed and Duo talked him to death. On the beach, Relena Peacecrap er Peacecraft and Dorothy Cantalonia had Trowa Barton and Quatre Winner carry them to shore as not to "get their feet wet".

"HEERO~O! When are we getting off this horrid island HEERO?!" Relena wailed in her high-pitched, annoying voice.

Heero pointedly ignored her and set about getting things from his ship. Relena walked right up to him and shrieked into his ear.


Heero turned, glared, growled, and spouted 'Omae o Korosu' all in one smooth move. The Queen of the World backed up a little, blinked, and walked away.

Duo sweatdropped and began to help Heero.

"One, onna, we don't know that it's an island. Two, your voice is getting on my nerves so please SHUT UP!" Wufei shouted.

"Amen to that," Dorothy muttered.

Relena began to pout, uncutely. But then soon busied herself by looking at Heero's tightly spandex clad posterior. I wonder what he wears; boxers or briefs?

Wufei left soon after to scout out the land (and get away from Peacecrap) while Trowa and Quatre looked for things to make shelter.

"It looks like we're going to be here a while," Relena's face darkened but it got brighter when she realized she would be stranded with the object of her obsession. "so we'll need to and try to contact someone." Heero finished.

Duo came over. "Since it was a missle that got us this way in the first place, I don't think there will be anything that could get through that."

"You may be right, braid boy." Dorothy said. She had just finished filing her nails and was basically on stand by until Relena whined in her general direction again.

Duo jumped, realizing something. "My hair! My wonderful, beautiful hair! I won't be able to wash it unless it rains and I get some fresh water! I can't use salt water!"

Heero snorted. "Baka. You need to cut it off."

Duo glanced at him, shocked, and began to pet his braid. "Don't even joke like that, Hee-chan. That's not funny. The braid is just an innocent bystander." He began to mutter quietly to his object of obsession. His hair. "It's okay. Heero didn't mean it. Nothing will happen to you as long as Shinigami lives."

"I can change that." Heero pulled a gun out of...somewhere and pointed it at Duo.

"HEERO!" he shrieked and began to run. "I'm not worth the waste of bullets! Don't do it! I'm too young, and too sexy, to die!"

Dorothy sweatdropped and turned to Quatre and Trowa, who were no where in sight. She stood and started to look around and saw a bush, shaking.

"Uh, okay..." she walked over, peeked over the top, and paled. Backing away, she shook her head. Mental note to self: When you see a bush shake, ignore it.

After a while, Heero gave up chase of Duo and started to order everyone around instead.

"You!" he pointed at Doroty, "Build a fire! You!" he pointed at Relena, "Go with Duo to hunt for food--"

"Wait a minute! You're sending Relena to hunt?!" Duo asked in disbelief. "I think you should send Dorothy with me."

Quatre stuck his head up from his bush. "I agree."

Heero shrugged. "Fine. Dorothy, go hunt. Quatre and Trowa, stop groping each other in the bushes and help out with the shelter. There are some bamboo over there and get some palm tree leaves."

"May I ask what you're going to do?" Duo asked him.

"I," Heero began, "am going to finish unloading the boat. Relena's getting her stuff because I'm not the one who brought their whole wardrobe."

"Me? Do work?" Relena asked incrediously. "No way!"

"No work, no shelter and NO EAT!" Heero shouted.

"Fine." Relena began to sulk as she helped Heero. At least this gives me a chance to get closer to him!


It only took Wufei about 3 and a half hours to cover it all. It's an island all right. Why did I have to get stuck on a deserted on with those fools! K'so!

He suddenly came upon a dark-skinned native family in traditional garb -- man, woman, and child -- by a boat that he assumed they used to get there. The girl spotted him.

"Oooh! You're a pretty boy! I like you!" She turned to her father. "Father, can I have him?"

"Sure you can. Whatever my daughter wants, she gets." The woman nodded. The girl grinned and promptly glomped Wufei.

"Onna! What is the meaning of this injustice?!"

"I like you and I want to keep you!"

"NANI?! Unhand me woman!"


Wufei peeled her off and started to run back to where they landed on the island. The girl kept up chase. "This is fun!"


Trowa and Quatre had finally figured out how to make sturdy structures when they saw a blur zoom by.

"Oi Wufei! What's wrong with you?" Quatre called. Wufei barely turned around and pointed behind him. The blond turned and saw the girl. "Nani?!"

"Come back boyfriend! I love you!"

Quatre stifled his laughs and and then said to Trowa. "I think we ought to follow them."

"I think you're right."


Dorothy and Duo came back with some coconuts and berries. "Gomen nasai, but we really don't have the right tools to hunt animals!" Duo said.

"HELP! Get this onna away from me!"

Dorothy and Duo stopped in their path to let the hysterical Chinese boy go by. Wufei jumped onto a palm tree and began to climb. Heero reached out and grabbed the girl.

"Let me go! Daddy!"

Then a spear hit the tree next to Heero's head. "Unhand my daughter, white man."

Heero shook his head, calmly. "Call your daughter off Wufei."

The man sighed. "Baby, stop stalking the asian."

His daughter began to pout, then sniff, then her vocal chords produced a wail that rivaled even Relena's. "BUT DADDY! I WANT TO HUG HIM AND SQUEEZE HIM AND HAVE HIM FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!"

"Then you will." he snapped his fingers and a whole crowd of natives jumped out of hiding. He snapped them again and they all pointed their spears at the nearest person, Duo. "Let her go or the braided one dies."

Duo's eyes got large and he began to protest. "Hey! You're not going to let them kill me are you?!"

"SILENCE!" One barked and a spear nearly came in contact with him.

Heero pretended to think it over. Then he sighed. "Iie. Even trade?"

The chief nodded. Heero pushed his daughter over to him while the natives pushed Duo to Heero, who glomped him.

"Arigatou Hee-chan! I always knew you cared!"

Heero clinched his teeth. "Don't make me regret my decision."

Duo shut up.

"You," the chief motioned to Wufei. "will marry my daughter. Tomorrow at sunrise." Then he had his tribe members shake Wufei down from the tree. As they carried him off, protesting, the chief said one last thing. "We will camp on this island and you are invited."

Poor Wufei! Will he have to marry that girl? What about Quatre and Trowa, will they ever build a shelter instead of lip wrestle? Stay tuned for the next episode of Duo Maxwell's Island!