Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, GW, or any of these products.

Note: I think I'm even going to put GW in this. I have some good ideas...

After These Messages.....3!


Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (DBZ)

(Piccolo stands on a hill, cape blowing in the wind.)

Announcer: How does martial artist, Piccolo Diamao, eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?

(Piccolo holds a cup in front of him then he uses his eye lasers to put a pinpoint hole through it. When he's finished he throws it on the ground.)

Piccolo: I can't eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, bakayaro. I'm a Namek, remember?

Announcer: There's no wrong way...(Piccolo goes off camera and the sound of a fight is heard.)

Announcer: (weakly) to eat a Reeses.

Saiyan Princess Barbie (DBZ)

And I know it doesn't rhyme. I couldn't remember any Barbie commercials.

(music) She's Saiyan Princess Barbie!

(Pan, Bra, & Vegeta are in Bra's room giggling and playing)

(music) With really long hair that you can brush...

(Vegeta brushes out and braids a Mexican Saiyan Princess Barbie's hair)

(music) She's the doll made just for you!

(The trio are playing "pretend". They look like they're at a party.)

(music) She comes with a Saiyan Prince!

(Trunks comes in with a Trunks or Saiyan Prince Ken doll. He also gets down onto the floor and begins to play as well. They all giggle and continue to play.)

(music) Lots of accessories!

(Pictures show a black convertable, a mini-gravity chamber, a camper, a mini-rejuvinator, and a mini-50 course dinner.)

(music) You too will have so much fun with Saiyan Princess Barbie and Saiyan Princess Ken!

Trunks+Pan+Bra+Vegeta: (turning towards camera and saying in unison) With Barbie anything's possible!

(They move to a white screen with all the aformentioned products including an Asian barbie and a African American barbie)

Announcer Lady: All Barbies, Kens, and accessories are sold sperately. Princes may vary & batteries aren't included.

Relena Repellent (GW)

Apologies to Relena fans in advance.

(Heero Yuy is walking in downtown Tokyo. Duo Maxwell is, er, bouncing and dragging Heero along.)

Duo: It's such a nice day! I don't think even Miss Bit--er Queen-of-the-World Relena could ruin it now!

(Heero's eyes uncharacteristically widens and he slaps his hand over Duo's mouth)

Heero: Don't say that word!

Duo: (muffled) What Relena? Relax, we won't see her today.

(as if on cue...)


Heero: Dammit Duo! I told you not to say it! RUN! (he grabs Duo's arms and they take off through the thick crowd)

Announcer: Are you tired of hoping Relena Peacecraft doesn't find you?

Heero: (glaring) What do you think bakayaro?

Announcer: Are you tired of running from her?

(Duo is barely keeping up with Heero who is practically dragging him and looking behind at the same time)

Duo: Yes! I'm a normal human unlike some people! (shoots Heero a glare, he gets the "Look" in return)

Announcer: Well how about this then? (a spray can pops out of thin air and falls into Duo's hands)

Duo: What's this?

Heero: Duo no baka! It could be a bomb sent by OZ to destroy us!

Duo: I don't think so. Why would an OZ bomb have a picture of a dead Relena on it and the words 'Relena Repellent'? I have an idea! (he forcefully removes his arm from Heero's grasp and turns around. When he sees Relena he sprays her and she passes out) This is good stuff! Come on, let's go! (they take off running in the other direction)

Heero: Next time, let me spray her.

(Screen changes to a picture of the can)

Announcer: If you are being bothered by Relena, have no fear because.... RELENA REPELLENT IS HERE!!

Tickle Me ChiChi (DBZ)

Announcement: Hi kids! Do you want your very own Tickle Me ChiChi doll by the Concerned Parents group? {if it was me, I'd say no right then. If it's by parents, it can't be good. LOL}

Kids: YEAH!

(The kids all suddenly have ChiChi dolls about 12 inches in height. Goten pushes her stomach)

ChiChi Doll: HA HA HA, HA HA HA, Eat your vegetables!

Goten: What?

(Marron pushes her stomach)

C.D.: HA HA HA, HA HA HA, Study hard!

Marron: Huh?

(Trunks has a doll and pushes her stomach)

C.D.: HA HA HA, HA HA HA, Goku, come home for dinner!

Trunks: This is the crappiest toy ever! (he throws his into the air and launches a ki blast at it. Goten grabs his and Marrons and does the same thing.)

Marron: (crying) But I liked it!

(Trunks & Goten are shocked)

Trunks: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that...

Heero Yuy's Spandex Emporium (GW)

Heero: (is wearing a cowboy hat and a spandex body suit and is talking in traditional monotone) Do you work out a lot? Do you like tight clothes? Do you like showing off your body? Or do you just like wearing spandex in all seasons like me? For any reason, come on down to Heero Yuy's Spandex Emprium! We have spandex in all shapes, sizes, colors, and forms. We even have spandex stuff for things you never even new existed. So come on down and try our new Extra-Strength Gundanium Spandex underwear. So bullet resistant, the South Central L.A. police force uses them {gasp!}.

(there is a loud commotion and a lot of people are lined up at the front glass doors. Heero walks over and begins to shout:)

Heero: What have I told you people? Can't you read the sign? It says no "Big-boned" people, no "Large" people, no "Healthy" people, no "Husky" people, no "FAT" people! I swear, you people flock to spandex like interns to Clinton! {sorry, couldn't resist! ^_^) Shoo, Shoo! (makes shooing motions)

That's all I have for now. If you have any, don't hesitate to e-mail me at GokuGirl13@aol.com!