After These Messages....2!

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ and I don't own these products.

Note: I have all of these ideas and I can't sleep. (not a good combination, believe me) Now, I will have more Wild Saiyan Kingdom, PTB (portal to beyond), and OUADB (once upon a dragon ball) Soon. I just need to do one-parters now and then and it's been so long since the first one!

{ } = author inserts

Trunks: Man of Action


Trunks walking down the street and a mob of teenyboppers are stalking him.

TB (teenybopper) #1: (singing {think Shaft}) Who is the man who loves to spar as much as he can?

TB's #2-8: Trunks!

TB #1: You're damn right! Who's the boy who's really fine and I'll love to make him mine?

TB's #2-8: Trunks!

TB #1: Right on! Trunks, you one bad motha--

TB's #2-8: Shut your mouth!

TB #1: I'm just talkin' about Trunks!

TB's 2-8: We can dig it.

They show some random action scenes and then the title screen comes on.

Trunks: Man of Action

Rated: R

In theatres: never

Prince Vegeta's Herbal Cure-all


Vegeta is sitting behind a desk with his feet propped up on it. He has some bottle in front of him.

Vegeta: Hi, do you suffer from allergies, sinus headaches, or frequent colds? Do you ever get sick? Well if you do, I have the product for you. It's called Prince Vegeta's Herbal Cure-all. Made with real ginseng. You'll feel better in no time! Only 200 zenni. Call: 1-800-CURE-ALL, that's 1-800-CURE-ALL.

(A womans voice comes on a speaks really fast)

Side Effects may include dizziness, nausea, chronic diarrhea, muscle spams, head ache, internal bleeding, heart failure, and/or death. No refunds and batteries aren't included.

Piccolo and Friends


Piccolo is standing in a sunny field surrounded by children. They open their mouths...

Piccolo: Kami no! Oh kami no!

Kids: I love Piccolo, Piccolo loves me. We're as happy as happy can be. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Piccolo, please say you love me too.

Piccolo moans in pain and covers his ears. The singing gets louder and louder until he can't stand it anymore. He charges up a ki blast and ends those children's lives. The camera man looks over.

Camera man: Well, scratch this idea. Tom, call the Teletubbies.


1-800-HOT CHAT


Bulma sits on a couch in the skimpiest clothes you can find and still call her covered up. She has on way too much makeup and she's holding a phone.

Bulma: (in sexy voice) Do you ever get lonely? Do you ever need someone to talk to? Well, I'm here for you. Just call 1-800-HOT-CHAT and I will fulfill all of your needs. (blows kiss at camera)

(Suddenly you can hear a phone ring)

Bulma: What's this? This isn't a call in show!

Man off stage: Just answer. It's good for publicity.

Bulma: Oh all right. Caller, you're on the air.

familiar voice: Hi! I was wondering if you could....TAKE IT OFF BABY! TAKE IT OFF!

Bulma: (gasping) Master Roshi?!

M. Roshi: Come on Bulma, take it off!

(there's a dial tone)

Bulma: Ugh. Next caller.

?: Uh Moshi Moshi.

Bulma: Yes?

?: I just wanna talk, I'm lonely.

Bulma: Wait a second, do I know you?

?: (panicking) No! NO YOU DON"T!

Bulma: (gasping again) Dende? Is that you?!


Bulma: (sighing) Last caller.

?: Moshi Moshi? Who's this?

Bulma: Bulma. Who are you?

?: Oh, hi! How are you today Bulma?

Bulma: Good. Wait, Son-kun?!

Goku: Oops. Wrong number.


Bulma: That's it. I quit!



Scene opens at a Martial Arts tournement. Goku is there as is Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Krillin.

Announcer: Do you want to be as strong as Son Gokou? (scenes show Goku and him being, uh, strong) Do you want to be as smart as Son Gohan? (shows scenes of Gohan in school and being generally successful) Do you want to be as tall as Piccolo? (you get the point by now) Do you want to be as loud-mouthed as Trunks or as slow as Goten? Or do you want to be as egotistical as Vegeta? (more scenes of the people i've mentioned)

(scene goes back to the tournament)

Whoever you want to be, Sprite can't make you like them. Drink Sprite, Quench your thirst.

{Sad, I know}

That's all I've got for now. I might have another soon. Because I get my ideas from watching the commercials and this late at night (or early in the morning, whatever) the good commercials don't come on. (I was trying for toy commercials).