The Call

Disclaimer: I just wanted to say that I don't own Dragon Ball Z or any of the characters. Enjoy!

One nice sunny day in a small house outside of Satan City, a woman named ChiChi was thinking about her husband (As usual). * Oh Goku! Why must you be so dense? I just wish I could have one intelligent moment with you. *

"Hey ChiChi." Said Goku behind her. "I'm hungry. Where's my breakfast?"

"Here Goku" she said as she flung many dishes on the table.

"Oh boy!" he looks as if he'd died and gone to heaven.

"Um, Goku? What do you think about global warming?"

"I think our globe is warm enough now, thank you. It's sitting on Gohan's desk now. Why don't you go see?"

Ugh. At least I tried.  She though thoroughly frustrated.

Later that day as she was sitting in the living room watching t.v., the phone rang.

"Hello?" ChiChi answered.

"Are you Mrs. Son?" said the man on the other end.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, I'm from the International Intelligence Institute or Triple I, and we were wondering if we could perform some tests on your husband, Goku. We've heard of his brain power here and it literally astounds us!"


"We couldn't believe there was someone on this planet with an IQ of -5, so we need to run tests to make sure. Also, if it's true, can attempt to correct the problem." ChiChi couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her Goku, smart? That would be a dream come true!

"Yes right away! When, where, what time? C'mon give me the details!" she said in a rush.

"Calm down, please. Please tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. at the Triple I on Bluelake Avenue. You can't miss us. Just remember: Don't tell anyone. Not even Goku."

"Alright fine. Thanks." ChiChi could barely contain her excitement. She wanted to tell everyone she knew, but that was against the rules.

"Mom, where are you taking me?" said Gohan the next day.

"Just over to Bulma's house for a bit. We won't be long."

"ChiChi, where are we going?" Goku whined.

"We're going to the new ice cream place that has 29 different flavors. They're giving away free cones to people of Saiyan blood." Goku, being Goku, took the bait. Hook, line, and sinker.


"Mom, why can't I come too?"

" 'Cause you haven't been keeping up in your studies like you should be."

"Awww, ChiChi. Why can't he come?" "BECAUSE HE CAN'T. END. OF. DISCUSSION!"

At the Triple I building, Goku is dumbfounded (as always). "Um, ChiChi? This doesn't look like an ice cream place."

"Let's just say it's the theme of it. An ice cream parlor set in a college."

"Whatever you say ChiChi."

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Son, I've been expecting you." Said a short, balding man from an entranceway. "Let's get this underway. Shall we?" They followed him to a strange looking lab. On the way they see a strange looking animal: half dog, half pig. ChiChi gasps. "Oh, that's my pet Pog. He sort of appeared in the big DNA merging incident of '94. No biggie." And continues on.

Will Goku ever make it to the ice cream store? Will ChiChi get her wish for an intelligent husband? Stay tuned for part 2!