A Day at the Mall

Everyone's Afternoon

Shoes were finally decided upon and the two girls had to take ten minutes to get dressed in the women's restroom before the show was to begin. The single group that Benjiro had managed to secure had cancelled and now there was another empty spot on the show.

"It's falling apart on Yamashira-san," Bra told Pan. "The show begins in seven minutes and he needs more contestants."

Pan frowned in thought. "Do you think Goku-ojiichan is still here?"


"Because Krillin-san is," she smiled. She ran over to where he stood beside Juuhachi-gou at the back of the crowd and asked if he would participate on the show. After his nod of assent, she smiled and brought him over to Ben's father.

"I think you'll have enough people now," she said. "I'll go find ojiichan and meet you back here in a few minutes."

Goku was consuming mass quantities of food at a Mexican restaurant on the first level, but Pan convinced him that the game show was more important. After helping him to finish off a plate of burritos and waiting for the check to be paid, they made it back to the center court with only thirty seconds to spare.

Mini microphones were clipped onto shirts and then they were all taking places on the stage. Bra and Pan sat on one side, Goku and Krillin on the other, and Trunks and Goten occupied the middle. The two demi-Saiya-jin were wearing black jeans and deep blue silk shirts.

"If I'd know that I was supposed to match my best-friend, I would have worn my gi," Krillin said with a grin.

Goku grinned back. "That's just something they wanted to do. We got talked into doing this at the last minute anyway."

The music started up and a neatly dressed man with a goatee stepped out from stage left. He smiled winningly and stopped center stage. "Konnichi-wa everyone and welcome to the very first show of BFF! Which stands for..."

The audience, being the good little participants that they were (and being able to read cue cards), shouted, "Best-Friends Forever!"

"I'm your host, Yamashira Shinji, and our contestants today are..." He nodded at the people sitting behind him.

"Bra Briefs."

"Son Pan."

"Son Goten."

"Trunks Briefs."


"Son Goku."

"Here's how the game works," Yamashira said after all the introductions were complete. "I'll ask each player a question and the object is to come up with as many right answers as you can. Ready?" He received nods. Bra Briefs, what is your friend's favorite color?"

Bra didn't hesitate. "Orange." Pan grinned.

"Orange is correct! Group one receives one-hundred points!" The crowd cheered in response. "Okay, group two. Same question."

Goten sat there, a stumped look on his face. "Um, uh..." While he thought, Trunks started humming the Jeopardy final question music.

Yamashira tapped his watch. "You have only five seconds remaining."

"Lavender!" he blurted.

Trunks stared at him in disbelief. "Where the hell did that come from?!"

"You are incorrect! The correct answer is..."

"Blue, you baka!" Trunks exclaimed as he punched Goten in the shoulder. The younger man glared at him and then they both turned away.

"Group three?"

Krillin smirked. "That's a very easy question, Shinji. I say that Goku's favorite color is also orange."

He received a smirk back. "I will have to tell you, then, that you're incorrect. Goku, what is your *actual* favorite color?"

"I don't have one. I love all colors equally."

"NANI? What kind of answer is that?" Krillin glared at Goku for a moment but, after realizing that he couldn't hold it for long, he turned his eyes to the host. "You knew that he had an insane answer to that question! That was unfair!"

"Now, Krillin, if you and Goku were as close as you think you are, then you would have known his answer. Next question everyone! Pan, what would your friend rather do on a Friday night: go dancing at the hottest new club or watch movies with a significant other?"

Pan rolled her eyes. "That's an extremely easy question. Bra would rather go clubbing." She then realized that she was speaking to the father of Bra's boyfriend. "Uh, let me amend that."

"Too late," Yamashira said with a hard look to Bra. 'How dare she rather spend the night dancing with ten different boys instead of spending all her time with Ben!' "The answer is correct. You receive another one-hundred points."

"I don't know which was worse," Goten whispered to Trunks. "Pan answering the question that way or Bra telling the truth about it."

Trunks observed the embarrassed look on his little sister's face. "Bra telling the truth about it, definitely."

"Group number two, same question." The host attempted to inject false cheer into his words and failed miserably.

"Goten would rather watch the movies. He doesn't like to dance."

"That answer is correct. Is it because he doesn't like dancing or because he *can't* dance?" Yamashira asked.

Goten frowned. "Hey! I can dance just fine!"

"Moving on.... Group three, same question."

Goku smiled. "Krillin would stay home and watch movies with his wife. That's my final answer."

"Besides getting your game shows mixed up, you are also incorrect! Krillin would rather go clubbing."

One dark eyebrow rose. "Did you lie on the answer sheet?"

"Of course I didn't," Krillin answered. "I love getting my groove on." Heavy silence fell as everyone just stared at him. "Uh, maybe I shouldn't have said that."

The host rolled his eyes. "Again, moving on... Bra, what is your friend's favorite food?"

"Shrimp fried rice, Yamashira-san. You should see the quantity Pan buys when we get Chinese. If they sold it in buckets, she would buy ten of them."

"One-hundred more points to the girls! Group number two?"

Goten had two foods in his mind for Trunks, one he loved as a kid and one he claimed to love as an adult. 'I'm going to go for the food as a chibi.' "Trunks loves spaghetti and meatballs."

"Not anymore, Goten! Do you know *anything* about me? My favorite food is squid okonomiyaki!"

"Group number three?" Yamashira asked.

Krillin smiled knowingly. "This answer is a trick one just like the first question. Goku loves all food, he doesn't have a favorite!"

"Unfortunately you're wrong," Goku sighed. "My favorite food is salmon ramen." Poor Krillin just screamed in frustration.

The host tsked. "So far you haven't answered any question correctly. At this rate, you don't have a chance at winning."

"Group one is in the lead with three-hundred points, group two has one-hundred, and group three has zero. We'll be back after this commercial break."

He went backstage to get a glass of water and left the contestants to converse amongst themselves. "We're winning!" Bra said as she stuck her tongue out at her brother. "You two have been friends longer than Pan and I have and know nothing!"

"Excuse me?! That's *Goten* who knows nothing!" Trunks let out an explosive breath. "It doesn't really matter, now. We're going to lose this contest."

Thirty seconds later Yamashira re-emerged and the cameraman began rolling again. "Welcome back to BFF! We're now into round two of questioning. Pan, what is Bra's favorite movie?"

Pan had to think about that for a minute. There was Bra's *real* favorite movie and then there was the one she told people was her favorite. Unfortunately, Pan always got the two mixed up. "Bra's favorite movie is Jerry Maguire."

"At this rate, I'm going to be showing you the money because your answer is correct!" The two girls slapped fives and cheered. "Trunks, what's Goten's favorite movie?"

Trunks was still a little angry at Goten's lack of knowledge about him. He could have lied and saved his friend's dignity, but it was the perfect time to get revenge. "Believe it or not, Shinji, his favorite movie is The Little Mermaid."

Goten immediately blushed as everyone, including many in the audience, laughed. "You could have said something else, Trunks!"

"Hai, I could have." He smirked. "Now we're even."

Yamashira finished his chuckling as the scoreboard on their podium changed to two-hundred points. "Group number three?"

"I have no idea," Goku admitted. "We never watched movies when we were kids."

"Krillin's favorite movie is 2001 -- A Space Odyssey. You still have zero points and now have no chance at all of winning. Would you like to continue playing the game?"

They both nodded. "Why not?" Krillin said. "I don't have anything else to do."

"Bra, if Pan could have one wish what would it be?"

She tapped her finger against the side of her face in thought. "Pan wants to be the strongest warrior in the world. Even stronger than Goku-san. She would wish for power and strength."

"You are correct, as always. Your score is now five-hundred points. Goten, same question."

"Trunks would wish he didn't have to work every day. He hates being president of Capsule Corp."

Two shocked looks appeared on both Yamashira and Trunks' faces. "You're actually correct!" The host gasped.

"Well, I should be. Do you know how many times he's complained to me about that?" The scoreboard changed to three-hundred points and Goten smiled.

Krillin answered before he'd even been asked. "Goku would wish for world peace." He was so sure that it was a Goku-type response that there was no hesitation in answering. He recognized the look on the host's face and sighed. "I'm wrong again, aren't I?"

"Goku, tell him what you would wish for."

"Since there is no possible way everyone could get along 100% of the time, I would wish for enough food to last the rest of my life." He grinned. "That way ChiChi wouldn't have to cook for me anymore."

"Your score still stands at zero and we've reached the final question. What would your friend do if they found a large sum of money? If you answer this question correctly, then you win the game." He smirked at the confused looks on the faces of his contestants. "Hai, that means the other five questions are completely meaningless!" The scoreboards blanked to zero.

Krillin's eyes lit up. "We actually still have a chance to win!"

"Pan, what would Bra do with a large sum of money?"

The girl groaned. "That question's impossible to answer. Bulma-san's a billionaire so Bra can already buy everything! It's not like there's something still out there that she's always wanted, you know."

"You have five seconds to answer the question."

"Uh, Bra would buy a tropical island and rename it after herself."

Bra couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Pan-chan, I would go shopping! You should know that!"

"You go shopping almost every single day!"

"A girl can't have too many clothes, you know."

Yamashira moved on. "Group number two?"

"Goten would buy a new car. You should see the piece of crap that he's driving now."

"You mean that I *was* driving," Goten corrected. "It died on me this morning."

"Trunks, your answer is wrong! Goten would buy the cable company so that he can get free service."

The lavender-haired executive blinked. "Nani?"

"Yep. I love watching Sex in the City."

Yamashira stood before the third group. "Goku, if you answer this question correctly then you and Krillin will win the game. What would Krillin do if he found a large sum of money?"

"He would turn it into the nearest police station because someone is probably looking for it."

"Guess what, Goku? You are correct! That gives you one-hundred points and you win the game!" The two of them jumped up and down with glee, hugging each other in their excitement.

"What did we win?" Goku asked. "Is it something good?"

"You and your best-friend have won 500,000 zenni apiece and a four day, three night trip for you and your families to lovely Hawaii!"

"Hey Yamashira-san!" Pan called out. "Does that include grandchildren? I wanna go too!"

"A grand total of eight people can go on this trip," he told her. "A family is usually thought to consist of four people; a mother, a father, and two children." He turned to the camera and smiled. "That's our show for today. Tune in next week for more crazy questions. I'm your host Yamashira Shinji and we're live from the Satan City Mall!"


I estimate that at least five people will request a sequel. People request sequels to obviously one-part fanfics, let-alone a fic that I leave open to one. I warn you now that if I listen to the requests for a sequel that it will probably take me a long while to actually get around to writing it.